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That didn’t even cross my mind. I never thought you were insulting me. No need for an apology.

That stinks that the year before had the CD. I missed it by a year. Oh well. You know how electronics are. It’s always changing. I guess what I have now will be out of date next year.


The only people that are not left behind are the people that buy the newest tech those of us that don't buy a new cell phone once a year or new windows and all the other new technology are left behind, therefore you are not alone. There is a lot of us! Because really who can keep up except the people who have money to blow and those who make a living doing IT!

I am so glad that I didn't offend you because I really do like you.💗😜


You got that right. I don’t have to have the latest technology. Hahaha, that would cost a fortune! Plus, I usually drive a car until it dies.

on my mind -the fire evac from 4 years ago, and the flood evac (now ended) a few days ago.

Four years ago I had just finished throwing things into the car and set off north, checking the nearby gas station on my way, which had a huge line up so I bypassed it. I figured 3/4 of a tank of gas was enough for where ever I was going. Remembering the relief at finally, 8 hours later and in the dark, finding a work camp, a parking spot and joining a line up for registration. The "room" was more of a cubby hole, but had a bed, a tv, a small table and some places to hang clothes. The bathroom was down the hall and very utilitarian. The best part of the accommodation was the cafeteria - large,well equipped and the food was very good. By cell phone contact I knew my those of my family that lived in the area had found accommodation too. Whew - safe for now.

With every new crisis and challenge, all the priors come back to my mind too.
If you had not posted all along how that was going with you, Golden, and how you survived with a good strong attitude, when it came time for my hubs and I to evacuate the smoke and threats from fires, I would not have known what to do, as I had to step up and be the leader. So thanks, for all these years! ☔️🌞🔥⛈🌬🌫🌊🌋⛈😊

You're welcome, send. Glad I could be helpful. Yes, new crises trigger the old ones. It's the same sort of day here as it was 4 years ago. Bright sunshine, and warm, but not as dry as it was. I am almost expecting to see that strange white cloud (smoke as it turned out) over the edge of town again. In fact, I am being chicken and not going out to look. I suppose with the flood there is little danger of forest fire in the near vicinity, but I know they are not too far away. While the lower town site was flooding, one day the smoke from forest fires was bad enough to make my eyes sting.

Well, tomorrow is another day and, hopefully less filled with memories than this one. I think I will go have a hot bubble bath. 🛀

My neighbors are behaving as if, all of a sudden, there is no risk of spreading the Covid-19. Walking up to people, less than 6 ft. Not wearing masks outside. Handing off 'free' grape juice to my hubs, who is clueless. Wanting to come over and talk.
I might put up a sign outside....Observing social distancing (forever).

It seems that with the easing of restrictions in many places some people seem to think that means it's time to return to normal - uhm, that kind of carelessness is why we had to have such strict restrictions in the first place. I guess if my neighbours want to party more power to them, just as long as they stay out of my space.

Ya know I get why people need to get back to work. What I don't understand is this urgency to socialize and congregate at the beach or go out to eat. Isn't the health of many more important than going to your favorite hangout? I truly don't understand the selfishness and self entitlement.

When I was in high school, my family lived in a small apartment with no patio, no balcony, nothing, just 4 walls and windows. In the summer, it would hit high 90s and sometimes 100s. With no AC, we went to the beach to cool down.

There are many many many people who live in apartments with or without young kids with no where to escape the heat. The malls are dead and closed, parks are closed, only beaches to go to. And now they are being called selfish and self-entitled to want to go to the beach?

All those who oppose going back to work are the ones who don't have any financial worries, no jobs to lose. They either on SS, still work or work at home, depend on someone else, have plenty of money, etc.

My aunt is the sole earner in her family as my uncle was injured and could no longer work. She is on unemployment, getting less than $200/week. That's not enough to cover food, utilities, car payment and RENT. Thankfully, she's getting the extra $600/week for the next few months as part of the stimulus program, otherwise, the unemployment alone would not cover their expenses and they wouldn't be able to make rent. She worries she may not have a job to go back to because the owner of the small shop where she works is also struggling financially. They are being called selfish for wanting to go back to work.

I did say I understand people needing to go back to work if you had read my post properly. What I was referring to was people who swarm to the beaches and their other social spots without any regard to social distancing.

People WERE observing social distancing.

You Gershun wern't there to measure, were you?

More beach for us when they're gone.

(Sorry, I know that joke was in bad taste.)
Moving on over to the Caregivers behaving badly thread now.

Not in the videos I saw and since you don't know where or whom I was referring to then you haven't got any room to be commenting do you?

People who go to the beach are not the ones dying. They don't need protection. The ones who are dying are those in NH and (mostly elderly) people with health conditions.

Yes, that is a very bad taste joke, Send. You should not have posted it.

You want to fight. I don't.

The Covid opinions as if anyone does have the facts goes on and on and on. I might die of hearing about it before any virus will take me out.
It is like beating a dead horse.🤮

People everywhere could have been exposed to covid including those at the beach who might give it to someone else who could give it to a health care worker who could then pass it on to an elderly person. etc.

Ways to preserve our sanity:
1) Less news on T.V.
2) Less judging others.
3) Acceptance of ourselves and our emotions, or lack of emotions.
4) Get busy in the kitchen, distract ourselves.
5) Take a walk outside.
6) Write it all out, like a journal, but honestly.
7) Take a shower.
8) Focus on something other than ourselves.
9) Build, repair, or accomplish something.
10) Keep wild imaginings to a minimum.

Not out in the open under the sun, the risk is extremely low as the sun kills viruses in minutes.

Send, I have no desire to pick fights with anyone here as we are all caregivers, but I will speak up when I read something that is SO WRONG.

Arwen posted that in Italy they reported that 90° temperatures kill the virus.

I am hoping that is true, because we will be seeing a huge decrease in numbers since we have been over 100° with more of the same on the way.

Worldwide Influenza Pandemics

1)Russian Flu1889–1890
1 million
2) Spanish Flu1918–1920
50 million
3) Asian Flu1957–1958
1.5 to 2 million
4) Hong Kong Flu1968–1969
1 million
5) Swine Flu2009–2010
over 18,209
novel H1N1


We can learn from history.

In 1968, I had the Hong Kong flu. It is said that it was brought to California by returning servicemen from Vietnam. My husband at the time had no illness. All the facts were not in, no one had said it was the Hong Kong flu back then.

Send: Thank you for those #s. Sorry you had the Hong Kong flu in '68. I had read about the classification of #s & letters, e.g. H1N1 but now forgot what they signify.

Thinking of my Mom who died on this date May 9, 2015.

Mom, I love you so much and miss you dearly.


(((((((hugs)))))) gershun

So sorry for your loss, Gershun. 🌹

I am so so sorry Gershun.

Sending you lots of hugs my dear friend! 💗💕

Gershun,my friend~I'm so sorry for your pain~

Those we love don't go away
They walk beside us everyday
but always near
Still loved
Still missed
And very dear

Many {{{hugs}}}


What beautiful words! 🎶

Thank you shell,but someone else originally wrote them,not me.
It was in the newspaper one day and touched me so much,I cut it out and taped it on my bathroom mirror.
It brings me comfort.
Tomorrow marks my 5th Mother's Day without Mother here beside me and it's awful but I wish all the wonderful Mother's on here a Happy Mother's Day and hope you have a good one.

Gershun: Sending you big hugs ((( ))).

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