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Lilhelp, I agree. I feel that the ultimate goal of the current movement is to defund the police in the name of justice and equality. It will be scary if that happens. I support equality and accountability, but I don't believe underneath the mob rhetoric that that's even what it's about...and I also believe that lots of people are blindly following not even knowing what they're fighting for.

Our Governor announced today LTC facilities here in TN can restart limited visitation on Jun 15. The county has to have a low infection rate, the facility cannot have had an infection among staff or residents in the last 28 days, facility must be complying with weekly testing requirements, visits only by appointment only in either (a) open window or an outdoor area with social distancing, (b) an indoor visitation room (isolated from resident rooms) with social distancing, or (c) in room visits only for residents physically unable to visit in a or b. Visitors must be screened and are encouraged to have been tested; facilities are allowed to require visitors to have had recent testing but the state is not.

I hope this kind of opening comes to your state soon! I'm also praying no one schedules a visit knowing they are at high risk of infection. I think the guidelines are a good balance between keeping residents safe and allowing visitors - just sorry it took so long to get here!

We will finally get to see our daughter and SIL on Father's Day when they come over with crabs! Haven't seen them since February 29! 💞

I think as with most things it will not be all or nothing with police funding, policing policies etc. Things will change.....for a while.

Remember after 9 11? It was mayhem and then it wasn't. Until the next terrorist attack. Same with this. Some changes will be made and then something else big will happen. I mean look how fast the covid headlines became police protests headlines.

If covid is killed by heat, then why the sudden surges in Florida, Arizona and Houston? Result of protests?

Nobody credible ever said covid19 was killed by heat or a warmer climate, the virus has already spread rapidly in every corner of the world regardless of the climate or season.

We are all living in one big Petri dish.

CW, it was a cynical question.

Ah, I see. I was kind of surprised to see it coming from you...

From NE TN, travel still seems to be the major threat here. After weeks of 0-2 cases a week in the 8 county area, we experienced 46 new cases in one week across 2 counties, all related to migrant farm workers. Farms have started requiring workers to get a free CV testing now before starting to work. We're expecting more infections as the college kids come back into town in the fall.

Some of us are very concerned about CV spread from the protesters who don't seem to care about social distancing or good hygiene at all. Although most of the crowd here is local (90-95%) there are or have been out of town organizers.

After a week of completely peaceful protests, the outside organizers came up from Nashville to encourage blocking approaches to the area trauma center and were apparently surprised to be arrested when they refused to obey law enforcement directions to move to the sidewalks or parking lots. After bricks were placed at corners in the downtown, the outsiders were uncomfortable with downtown business owners sitting at a table in their window displays with a firearm and coffee cup visible on the table top. LE advised the outsiders' stated intention to take their bricks out of the downtown and business districts (where LE maintained a over-watch presence) to more rural areas would probably not work out well since our area is highly populated with armed homeowners and former military who would call for LE but could be counted on to handle any threat to their families promptly. The outsiders moved on (back to Nashville?) and the protests have continued peacefully without any additional arrests. Never more than at any time in my life, I thank the Lord I am living in a rural community without major crime or racial problems. Where even if we don't like what you're saying/doing, if you're not harming anyone we let it go.

I'm praying the violence ends while peaceful protests and police reform talks return to our country soon. I feel such sorrow for the defender deaths, property owners with looted or burned out shells, and people who must now live in destroyed areas without basics like grocery stores and pharmacies. If a mob has looted and burned your local CVS, how safe can you feel in your nearby home? It's hard not to feel 2020 is (to paraphrase the Queen) a horrible year - and its not even half over yet.

We have had major outbreaks among migrant farm workers here as well (Ont Canada), this despite them having been quarantined for two weeks after their arrival and efforts made to increase personal space and safety in their bunkhouses. The horrifying thing is that some of these reasonably healthy men have become severely ill and even died, a stark reminder that it's not always the old and frail who suffer the worst effects.

cw - I read that in the news. I'm not convinced that 14 days is always enough. All it takes is one of a group to incubate longer than that and you can get a flare up of infections, That's one of the hallmarks of this virus. It is so very infectious.

I had a property maintenance guy come to assess my gardens for a job, I said right away "6' " but had to keep backing up as he didn't observe it, nor did he seem the least bit concerned about maintaining it. I think I will give the company some feedback. I know outdoors is safer but...

Add to the heat and warmer climate, sunlight doesn't do it either. The wavelength UV-C (which does kill most viruses etc) emitted by the sun is stopped by the ozone later before it gets to us.

The commentary I've read/heard implies that some of the workers hid symptoms because they were afraid of being excluded from travelling here or being sent home after they arrived, since there is very low community spread in those regions that makes sense to me. I wish we treated these people better, but that is a whole other topic.

cwillie, I think the fear of not being able to work played in the migrant workers here too. They really seemed surprised to find out they could stay in the migrant worker quarters and the community would provide food and other supplies until they are CV negative. One farm lost a fair amount of money when they had to shutdown strawberry harvesting but others were planting tomatoes and other veggies . No farmer likes planting delays but delaying one planting by a few days doesn't cause too many problems.

Recalling how short my answers used to be....when I was younger.
This thread is great because what's ON MY MIND is different than what is on everybody else's mind.

What is on your mind Send?

Inquiring Gershun's want to know.

That was what was on my mind Gershun.
It wasn't very much, was it?

Short answers are best, don't you think? No, really, do you think anyone worries about following the instructions at the start of a thread?

What is on your mind?

I'm drawing a big blank Send. It's too late.

I did cut hub's hair tonight. :)

I'll leave it at that.


Just been looking for headbands to keep my hair out of my face - I've got a haircut booked for July 7th but no confidence it will go ahead.

I'm blushing because I looked at a whole webpage of them on young models and thought "omg, they look like complete scrubbers - !"

Are we even allowed to say "scrubbers" any more? My bad.

(But they do)

I did a butcher job on him. Well he asked😂🤣

A local headline

Six escaped cows dead after collisions in D********.

I grit my teeth and accept it when city news sources call all cattle "cows", but a small rural publication should know better.

Yes, my world is that dull

Lol@ Willie

On my mind...

Just thinking of you daddy. Today you have been gone for 6 yrs. In some ways it seem like just yesterday and other times it seems it has been longer than 6 yrs. I miss you so much. It is hard to believe that tomorrow you would have been 79 yrs old. Happy Birthday dad. I love and miss you. I cry almost everyday for you. I am taking good care of mom and your house. I hope wherever you are you are proud of me.🍀

Shell: Oh, so sorry for the loss of your Daddy 6 years ago. It's so hard to lose our parents, isn't it? You had your father longer than I had mine. My Daddy was only 50 years of age when he died. Virtual hugs coming your way ((( ))).

Thank you so much Llama.

Shell: You're very welcome.

What?! Neighborhood FB page. An accident closed the entry to the subdivision last night. A truck swerving to miss a couple of deer, truck rolled, driver eject, serious injuries. Then to glad he was not hurt that bad. Huh? How does one get from point a to point b? Maybe conversations, not part of FB thread, among neighbors today?

Kinda like here at times when people do not read the entire thread. Yes, I read the entire FB thread. 😳

So glad the US Supreme Court has struck down the anti-abortion bill in Louisiana, just as it did in Texas. A woman's right to choose is so important!!!

I guess the protesters might have been saying, why should we distance and wear masks? Republicans don't. Maybe they are giving the South a little taste of their own medicine.

allesandra, If you need to vent about care giving or get some advice, then this is the place to find it. Otherwise the caregiver forum isn't facebook so if you want to post completely political messages about abortion and taunts at other forum posters, maybe you should make those posts on other boards? We do have tangent political threads concerning care giving issues like healthcare coverage, driving privileges, senior civil rights, covid lock down rules and the like but we generally do not debate SCOTUS rulings on unrelated topics.

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