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That was a fun topic Gershun!

I'm going to check myself into the funny farm now.🤯

Gershun - I copied and pasted your avatar onto a MS Word doc, then enlarged it I could see a translucent image of a person in a dark suit and white tie from the chest down. Can't really see clearly above it. I think you really did capture an image of a spirit.

Thx Polarbear. So I'm not imagining it then. Good, thought I was losing it there for a sec.


The Myrtles Plantation in Louisiana plays up hauntings in their ads.

They have photos of Ghosts in the home.

Many visitors take pictures and capture the ghosts on film.

I have been. Didn’t see any ghosts.

Oak Alley in Louisiana has ghost because of the accidental murders on the property. I have been. I haven’t seen the ghosts. The slave poisoned them. She only meant to make them sick.

I have been to many of the plantations. I’ve stayed the weekend and never experienced any hauntings. Some of my friends have though.

Oh, the house that Nicholas Cage bought in the French Quarter here in New Orleans is super haunted! The mistress of the home tortured her slaves there.

Your cat is adorable!

I apologize for monopolizing this thread with my real or imagined ghost picture.

Carry on. As you were.


You solved Gershun’s mystery! Yay!


My oldest brother (now deceased) once asked me if I saw or felt the spirit of animals? I told him no. He said that he had.

I have heard other people say they felt or saw dogs or cats before. I never have.

Yes, my kitty is such a cutiepie. Thx NHWM.

All this spirit talk got me dreaming, very strange.

Dreamt that I was at dad's funeral (he died 53 years ago). Mom was not there, tried to stall the service. Then found out mom was going to drive herself. Of course I was completely shocked that TS2 would allow that!

Then TS2 pulls up in her very beautiful expensive convertible, at least from the front, the back of the car was wrecked, dented, needed restoration. But a beautiful car if you didn't look at the back.


That’s wild! Your dream was really odd.

I had a goofy dream last night.

I was eating out with a friend. She wanted to leave a $1.65 tip on our $38.75 dollar lunch!

I was mad and told her that she should not be so cheap and I paid the tip.

Does that dream make any sense to you? I thought it was a weird dream! LOL

NHWM, no makes no sense. I even woke up during it then continued the dream after falling back to sleep. That never happens. Must be very important to finish it. Know any dream interpretation people?

Oh, Glad

That happens to me all the time, where I wake up and continue the same dream.

I agree that our mind is trying to sort something out in an unconscious state.

Hahaha, my husband has told me that a dream interpreter would have a field day with my dreams!

I would love to speak with an interpreter.


Your earlier comment on the ‘funny farm’ reminded me of the movie, ‘Funny Farm.’

Really cute movie. I loved it!

Glad, if you really want to know the meaning. What are the colors? The car? Was the dream in color, greyscale or black and white?

glad seems to me it was about ts2 putting up a good "front" but in fact being a mess inside. What did you feel when you woke up? My understanding about dreams that what you feel after you wake up is the message the dream has for you.

Ahhhhhh Haaaaaaaa I KNEW IT ..... SMH


I know a woman that swears that she dreams the future.

I don’t particularly believe her. Once she told me that she saw her soul leave her body and go out the front door!

I wanted to ask her what drugs was she taking or how much she had to drink but I refrained.

She says that she dreams about accidents before they happen and so on.

The reason I don’t believe her is that she is really superstitious too.

She says that she was born with a ‘veil’ and can see the future!

First of all, that is rare. I asked my friend who is an gynecological nurse if she ever saw this. She has been an OBGYN nurse for 30 years and has never seen it. Plus she said, it’s just a covering.

It certainly doesn’t make a person clairvoyant. It’s an old wives tale that superstitious people believe.

NHWM, do you want to know what your tipping dream means?

It means you want a reward, a payback or a token of appreciation of those that have served you. The fact you tipped higher means you reward people that serve or agree with you.

My grandma taught me dream analysis as a child. Glads dream is more complex due to relationship damage symbolized by a corvette which is why a color is needed.

You can ask many people her Katie22, etc. I have interpreted theirs.


Dreams are fascinating!

Some people are embarrassing to eat out with, like my friend. She is cheap! I never go get coffee with her. She would never buy a coffee at a gourmet coffee shop! She can afford it, but she doesn’t splurge on anything, ever!

Everyone I know gets embarrassed to eat out with her. We pitch in to cover the tip because the wait staff deserves a good tip.

I waited tables when I was in school. I don’t want to see someone not get tipped.

Some people are frugal and don’t waste money. I can appreciate that.

I don’t appreciate people who are cheap! Waiters/waitresses depend on tips.

Different people interpret dreams in different ways. So, no one can say for sure what they mean.

Lucid dreams are interesting too.

Lmao...way to deflect. Do not ask what you do not want to know.

Glad's dream referred to a death, a change. I do not understand TS and I do not want too. It changes things. If she wants to know, she will tell the color of the car, corvette, to be precise.

Her dream is not bad and tells alot about her character. Unlike, well, you know. Is your friend cheap or are you entitled? You asked, do not kill the messenger.

Glad, if you want to know, post the color and I will tell you what it means. It is the last piece of the puzzle.

Gershun and Golden,

I had a cat that looked like yours.

She was a sweetheart. I loved all my cats.

I wish that I wasn’t allergic to them. After my last cat died I decided not to get another one.

I love dogs too. Cats are easier. As far as personalities go, I love them both.

Cats are independent. I like that. My cats were affectionate.

I had an allergy to dogs too, not quite as bad though.

No more animals right now. I have asthma so it’s not what is best.

This is the first time in my life that I haven’t an animal. Feels kind of weird not buying dog food.

gershun, your kittie looks like a sweetheart!!!!

need - sorry about your allergies. I was allergic to some dogs but seem to be OK with cats thankfully. I would not like to not be able to have a pet.

When Gordie died I had both a cat (Toonie) and a dog (Matt). The dog was not upset, but the cat mourned for 4 years. I had put the plastic envelope from the funeral home on the lower stair landing intending to take it upstairs, and Toonie threw himself on it and rolled on it and yowled. I don't know how he knew as there was nothing of Gordie's in it. I left it there for him and he kept doing that for years, Cats have lots of feelings, but they show them differently than dogs.

Golden, my kitties are sweethearts. So affectionate, albeit a bit clingy. They are litter mates. I say brothers but vets always say litter mates. But they were mine from day one. When they were kittens they used to suck on my shirt and knead me like they were feeding on their mom. So I'm pretty sure they think I'm just an oversized mom cat. LOL

You are not losing your mine, you just had an unexpected guest!

And your right talking about God is Never a bad thing.

Thank you for posting that verse. I have been looking for that particular verse for days! Must have been over looking it!

See Gurshum, something good came out of your experience.


Gurshum? LOL @ Shell!

Sounds like you might be drunk.

Just teasing...........:)

Nala the cat.
She used to get up on the kitchen counter, then the refrigerator, then up high on the top cupboards near the ceiling. But she could jump down from there.
Caregivers were cautious because she could jump down from there and scare them.

As for Gurshum's guest Shell....I was just glad that it stayed inside the glass cabinet. Can people really tell when someone is drunk by their typing and spelling?

Everybody knows, most corvettes are red. Ha ha ha.

Send, you mean you haven't heard of drunk typing. You mean I'm the only one?

Like I said.........just teasing you Shell!

I have heard of drunk dialing.

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