What's for dinner? MAKES ME WANT TO PULL MY HAIR OUT! This is from MY CHILDREN, who have moved back home with their children. I say that I am going to do a menu and stick to it, but something always comes up and I don't do it.
What is the question that you hate?
Crockpots are awesome. Which child should be in charge of a crockpot meal at least once a week? How early are the college student's classes?
I am going to HAVE to do a meal plan. They will have to be in charge of taking something out of the freezer in the morning and I also want to use the crockpot more.
By my choice, I am in charge of all meals. I plan, shop, and cook. They clean up. I love having free reign. I do menus a week in advance and post them on the refrigerator. Weeks I skip this don't go as smoothly. I can glance at the chart at night and know if I have to take something out of the freezer. I can look at it in the morning and see if I need to shop for fresh items for the next couple of days. It is more for me than for them!
They all work. I am home. I've always worked and never had the chance to devote time and love to this part of homemaking. I'm really enjoying it.
Do your children work? Are they paying you? Would you like them to contribute to the meal-making? What if they took turns coming up with a week's menu? They could include page numbers of cookbooks or print out recipes. Your question seems to imply that it is meal planning you like least. Do the grandchildren do the cleanup?
I hate any question that starts with "where is the ..."