She receives ss and a small pension which was deposited into a bank account with mothers and my sisters name on it.Mom swears my sister does not have authority to withdraw/sign checks,but apparently that is not so.I was informed by the nursing home,that checks written by mother for her nursing home care were returned for nsf. This is unusual in that mom has never had checks returned for nsf in over 6 years of living in the nursing home.Did some research and found out on 4/2012 my sister made an unauthorized withdrawal in cash of 6500.00
followed by another cash withdrawal of 1500$.This depleted her bank acc and no funds were left to pay the facility.I became poa after the fact,and closed the account and opened another one for her.All checks for ss and pension will be deposited into this account and I will be paying all bills by bill pay online.My question is with poa can I sue or have her prosecuted for taking the money.Mom has no ideathat her checks are bouncing and I doubt she would prosecute since his is her baby. grrrrrrr