Okay - minds out of the gutter! This coming Saturday the Powerball jackpot will be well over $500 million - perhaps the biggest jackpot in history! Depending on state taxes a single winner could net $250 million and more. For fun - name three things you would do with the money. No saying "charity" as that's a given knowing all the wonderfully giving people who visit this site.
I know the odds are one in a bazillions but the fact is - someone DOES win!
Where ya been lately?
Sendme - isn't it fabulous? It sits on 8 miles of land, with a huge shoreline on Lake Superior. 8 MILES OF LAND. Insane. Gives new meaning to a "walk around the grounds", doesn't it? More like a 2 day hike.
Almost lost this thread-I forget where I've been, and where I wanted to go.
Went to the doctor today-where the office has magazines displayed. Aging Care has put out a winter 2016 magazine. Some former posts on here were printed in the magazine! Congratulations SusanA43!
This time as I scratched tye numbers on tye card kept coming up. It is a $100.00 winner! Hooray!
Glad, a winner but you did not know it! And you didn't even lose the ticket as you packed up! Congratulations!