After a flurry of visits recently, one theme seems to prevail overall for me....None of the people who are visiting seem to "get it" as far as knowing what is going on in this house. Some of the visitors are younger children and they find Mama's comments funny...they even "egg her on" and keep her going and have started repeating things she says. These are not younger kids, they are old enough to know better and their parents certainly should know better. To me it is infuriating Mama is not a sideshow, she is a sweet lady who has an illness that cannot be helped. I feel like grown up people should have enough sense to know that laughing at some of the things she says is granted sometimes she can come out with some zingers and she will laugh so I think she is trying to be funny....and that is a little different...but it is hurtful to me when folks mock her or parrot some of her comments as if it is some sort of comedy routine....does anyone else have this occur? I don't want to be a revolving "b" but I am not going to let folks disrespect her anymore than I would allow someone to bully a child....I'm tired, maybe I'm just over sensitive on the topic..... commentary is welcome...
Corporal punishment is out of style and is against the law ... to OP who posted this statement. There are other ways to modify behavior ... far better ways.
cant do the picnic. karoake was made mention of . i dont know what that is but if it involves somebody singing to me it means a size 12 boot down the throat at the second stanza ..
i have a reason for stating this . aunt edna had a fall a couple of days ago , a few family members came to calm her down and i remained kind of in the background out of respect for her closer family members and their special relationships with edna . after an hour or so outside edna decided to go back to her apartment and as we all walked to the elevator she grabbed my hand and squeezed it harder than id expected and didnt let go for a good long distance . wordlessly , she was saying " stay close , mr lifeline " .