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Blackened Chicken Alfredo over Fettucini and a Strawberry Mango pie for dessert. Good thing the Schwan's truck stopped by.

Made 2 quiche today so it's either that with salad or turkey & veg.

I'm getting back into cooking lately with MIL in rehab! She hardly like anything I cook ( I'm a culinary school graduate and was personal chef to a millionaire in California in my younger days!), and I have to watch her diet and hubby is diabetic. We have been enjoying going out to eat again lately without the guilt of leaving her home alone and getting the "wish I could go out" from her! Pasta night tonight at our local favourite restaurant so no cooking tonight but will try some of these delicious recipes on here.

I made a Pork tenderloin and red potato hash with lots of onions and applesauce. Was yummy. :)

I discovered a recipe on Rhodes website for a bread load with the sandwich filling baked in. I've never made it using their filling recipe, but I loved the idea and have done other fillings. Tonight I did a Gizmo version. The hard part for me is getting the bread dough rolled out into a rectangle. I thought I'd better practice because I'm planning to serve these loaves at a family party in a week. I did a little better tonight, but it still is hard. The outcome was outstanding, though. It would have gone better with a tossed greens salad, but I wanted to use up some fruit so we had fruit salad. Definitely a keeper I'll be making for the party.

I'm so tired of hearing the dogs barking at the coyotes that I think I will shoot the coyotes and cook them for supper.....(just kidding(..marymember

Nah the coyote will be stringy and tough. Find a nice juicy Easter Bunny or a tender little Passover Lamb.

Stuffed bell peppers (Stouffers) and grilled bollilo bread.

Stouffers makes some decent meals, don't they?

Inadequate chicken salad sandwiches. Tomorrow is oven Bbq ribs with a cucumber tomatoes salad and feta cheese whither a vingarette.

Can I come over tomorrow, Sharyn?

Wow my kindle sure changed my words Haha,LOL! I meant I made chicken salad sandwiches. I have no idea what inadequate chicken stomachs s...andwiches are, stomache hurts from laughing! Jeanne, of course you can come for dinner, I assure you the ribs and salad will not be inadequate!

Chicken-veggie stir fry in a light sweet and sour sauce with lo mein on the side. (the stir fry's mine but the lo mein is leftover take-out). LOVE crispy stir fried veggies - I could eat them every night but the prep work is such a pain in the a**. I'm admittedly OCD when it comes to slicing and chopping. Hubs is always yanking my chain about it ;)

jeanne. ive never rolled dough to make stuffed rolls. just roll it into a ball and stretch it out by hand on a floured board. 30 % whole wheat flour makes em sweet .
im making 15 been soup tonight with cornbread tonight.. it will never be as good as ednas cornbread. that nut usedta grind up spicy cracklin style onion rings in hers, but she'll eat it or ill punch her in the face. i think im going to be going to live with her this monday. i made the offer and it looks like doc took me seriously. lol .. she nursed me back to health 15 yrs ago during a particularily wicked hepc tx and subsequent divorce. this is a debt im repaying. this could all work out wonderfully. my kid could get up here and keep the bats swatted out of the bunker and i could give edna the care she needs. hes going to have to give up the blunts and make with some responsibility but im guessing hes wishing someone would give him the nudge to do it anyway. nudging, i can do . my homemade sledgehammer is so heavy most people cant even pick it up ..

Cap are you getting Sovaldi or Viagra?

pam. he , he , he ..
riba rage. it shifts from one subject to another..

Argh! I just pulled the blunder assandache7 told us about. The timer went off, I checked the brownies, and discovered that the oven was off!! :( Brownies are pretty hard to ruin, but I'm not sure how they'll react to sitting in a warm over for 40 minutes before actually getting to bake.

I'm a terrible cook because I have absolutely no interest at all in cooking. This Easter morning, I was going to have peanut butter on toasted bread.

To you all, this was a simple breakfast. For me, it was complicated because I rarely cook and truly never grew up seeing how food was cooked. I’m learning from watching the Food Network channel. (Our mom always shooed us away from the kitchen. She did all the cooking.) I fried the rice first with just butter and soy sauce. Put it aside. Sauteed the onions with butter (yes we have Crisco oil but ...), threw in sausages, put it aside when done. Because I still did not know how I wanted my eggs. I cracked 3 eggs onto the pan. Sunny side up? Over easy? Scrambled? I cringed as I sprinkled some salt into the eggs as I debated. In the end, I did the Over Easy, then quickly dumped it onto the meat/onions and quickly did a token scrambling of the ingredient. This way, I still have the lumpy eggs stuck together and not spread out as one does with scrambles. A good compromise. As usual, my food always lack salt. But I am so happy with the outcome. For once, I did not undercook the fried rice or burnt the bottom but the top was still cold from being in the fridge. Nor was the eggs overcooked (usually comes out so dry). Overall, my food was bland but moist. I really need to overcome my aversion to using salt.

Sigh… When I was frying the rice, the rice kept falling off the non-stick pan. Made a mess. I got fed up because the rate I was going, I would have more rice on the stove than in the pan. I took a spoon, used it along with the rubber spoon so that both hands were mixing the rice together. Much better control on preventing the rice from leaving the pan and unto the stove than using one hand to hold the pan while the other tried to turn the food.

cooking is fun, book, if you have someone to cook for. i debated whether or not to take edna some 15 bean soup this am but decided to go for it. she told me this evening that " them " was good. actually them s**ts were pretty good..
im feeling so good i cleaned out the fridge and washed it this afternoon , then threw the renters dogs off the hill. yea, im gettin better.

Homemade White Castle Sliders and french fries. It was pretty good, too!
We made chocolate chip cookies earlier today, so guess what's for dessert??

" sliders " havent heard that terminology since the army. id just get them to slide them onto my plate. with the meat and fries i just didnt need all that bread.
of course i have a cool mess hall story. one morning a rather big mouthed kid is making his way thru the line just annoying everyone around him when suddenly a cook who was frying eggs hopped the counter and wordlessly beat him down, then rehopped the counter, put his hat back on and never burnt an egg. man thats timing.. the little creep sthu too..

im having more 250 bean soup. i know thats a mild exxageration but its just soup, no real harm done by hyping it up a bit.
s'posedta be drinking 10 glasses of water a day to protect my kidneys from these meds but short of sticking a garden hose up my nose i just aint seeing it.
i get a drug screen in another week. they forewarned me, lol.. im complying people, relax a little.. turn around real slowly -- yea, thats the s**t.. he he
lilly, gasp .
cassie, my god.
sondra, this aint funny sondra, quit f - in with me.

I had a great brunch with mom and sis today, salmon, green beans with french fried onions, rice, egg frattata, ham, sausage, pulled pork, salad and rolls. Champagne and Mimosa was served but we passed on the that, LOL!! Mom and sis are recovered alcoholics.

For dinner, hubby and I are bbqing (Cali style) hamburgers with potato salad and a raw veggie spread of celery, green onions, jalapenos, tomatoes, and broccoli. Enjoy the day everyone!

Risufowlay. It's a Syrian Lamb stew with allspice,onions, garlic, tomato sauce and green beans. Slow cooked until it melts in your mouth. Served over rice. For dessert.....chocolate molten lava cakes. Nighty night!

We had 14 people over for Easter today at 3:00. I made a 14 lb. ham using the Crack Ham recipe - so addicting it's like crack. I don't know about crack but the darn thing keeps calling me to the fridge for more...on one of those King's Hawaiian Bread rolls slathered with real butter.

The ham was basted with 2 cups of o.j. boiled down to 1/2, 2 cups of Kentucky Bourbon, 3 cups of dark brown sugar, 1/2 cup of molasses and 5 good dollops of dijon mustard. Oh boy! The reserved drippings and basting liquid made an excellent sauce for the ham.

I also made the traditional fresh asparagus, blanched ahead of time and reheated briefly in lemon herb butter, twice baked potatoes, coleslaw and bacon and blue cheese melts (like savory cookies!) for an app. The sisters in-law brought a relish tray, deviled eggs, green beans almondine, broccoli salad, smokies wrapped in bacon with maple syrup, scratch banana pudding and carrot cake.

My fridge is groaning with leftovers and I'm rubbing my hands together in glee just thinking about using that big ol' ham bone to make split pea soup.

My mother had a lovely time being out of the AL for 7 entire hours - we picked her up early. Just sitting out on the deck and enjoying conversation with my in-laws was a treat on this 73 degree day. Did I mention, just four days ago, we had a seven inch snowfall??? Yahoo! Great day! Hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Easter,

that ham recipe gave me an erection. i think i have some circuits crossed upstairs.

i have notes prepared for my next va visit. phlegm in my bronchial tubes, possibility of reinfection from my own toothbrush / dental pick, etc , and sondras behind. they said dont hold back anything on us.. careful what ya ask for suckers !!..

Cap, perhaps instead of being called Crack ham, it should be Viagra ham. The guys did love it! My husband had too much to check out the theory. Zzzzzzzz.....

::drools over the ham recipe::

My own is very similar: I use frozen OJ concentrate mixed with the natural juices of a can of crushed pineapple (reserved), w/ brown sugar and molasses (have you noticed that most people don't even consider molasses these days?). Cook together until it's a thick syrup. Score a diamond pattern in the outer skin of the ham, press whole cloves into the center or the intersections of the diamonds. Pour the mixture over a room temp ham and then bake at 325F for about 10 minutes a pound, basting regularly. After about an hour mix the reserved pineapple with enough of the drippings to saturate it and slather the mixture over the top of the ham and increase the temp to 350F until slightly browned or crusty. [Note: This is NOT recommended for a spiral cut ham. Beyond my expectations, it just dries the whole thing out. It sucked that I had to find that out on a 12-lb ham.] This is a variation on the recipe my mom used with ringed pineapple and maraschino cherries stuck in their centers. Makes for pretty, but I like the crushed pineapple even more.

LadeeC~that sounds awesome. Will have to do that next time we do a ham!!

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