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I guess I am from another planet: don't feel like cooking either: made a big salad of dandelion greens, cubes of feta cheese, red onions, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and made a salad dressing from a dip by thinning it out with mayo and a little water. It was very refreshing. Dandelions are one of healthiest plants you can eat: just don't eat the ones growing in pesticide laden lawns!

I'm from the planet called "Normal Land" I started this thread as a distraction from the negativity. Almost 700 posts in 4 months makes me think a lot of us enjoy this thread as a way to connect about something other than care giving, yet still everyday life. So if you are a POSITIVE person from Normal land........tell us....What's for dinner?

The small, but extremely tasty - actually, totally awesome, remains of the short ribs. Mm - mm good. I must do them again. Brussels sprouts, finished with coffee, a square of dark chocolate and 1/2 glass of merlot. I am relaxed right out of my mind. 1/2 a glass will do it. I am a cheap drunk these days. Now in the old days, it was a different matter ...

Did anyone else ever steal a stop sign?

Umm...would that be recently?

No, but I wish I had one to hold up when Mom starts speeding in her wheelchair. Can I borrow yours?

Not recently, yaya - many years ago in Montreal and we got it upstairs to our apartment too. Had lots of crazy fun there.

boni - you would need to grow some muscles to hold one of those up! It had a cement base and is long gone! Maybe you should learn how to semaphore - you know - with flags. It might bring her to a screeching stop - rubber burning!

I have this wonderful image in my mind of an old lady speeding in a wheel chair and a younger lady waving flags to slow her down. I guess you had to be there - in my mind, I mean.

Emjo, you must have been a HOOT in the "old days". LOL

Boni, you go, girl! Tell it like it is. Negativity not allowed, we have enough of that in our lives. Oh, and my mom uses pinwheels on her scooter... :-)

Summer is quickly approaching, so we'll be eating lighter meals, more on the grill, steamed veggies and salads!

I should add that Emjoy is *still* a hoot now - all of you ladies are. I'm so enjoying your company! :-)

We stole a highway sign once...not one of the huge overpass ones but still big. Stuffed it into a van and hung it on the wall in this "party pad" a bunch of our friends went in on together. Wonder what ever happened to it....

Boni, MIL never took her chair off "turtle". One nice summer day about a year ago we took her out for some air and she wanted to go look at the garden out front. Next thing we knew she was toolin' down the middle of the road...and I mean RIGHT down the middle, still on turtle, but she thought she was cruisin'. It's a country road not heavily traveled but cars do tend to come around the bend fast. It was one of those slow motion "nnooooo!" moments that wasn't funny at the time, but funny to look back on now.

susan - I have some good memories... I still can be a "hoot" given the right company. I have recent stories I dare not tell any, except a trusted few. We should start a thread - "You are never too old to..."
Your mum uses pin wheels - go go granny... LOL I like it!!!
Salads are great.

I still haven't eaten so I guess I won't eat tonight...I created another good shake for Mama. This was using the Jevity 1.2....someone gave me five FIVE cases of this stuff and as yall know it is for feeding tubes, not drinking...I decided to see what I could do with it. I took a can, really cold, added a couple scoops of pineapple sherbet, a little vanilla, a tad of malt powder, a dab of sugar and viola!!! it was GREAT! Mama loved it so I guess I can use it after all!!! woo hooo

let me add that I blended the heck out of it...just stirring doesn't have the same effect

. Bonk and Joan!!

No Sharyn - before G - a 23 yr old who wanted a relationship. He would have been a good catch if I was 50 yrs younger - good job, nice apartment, vehicle, etc. Other than pursuing me he was a normal young man. Go figure..

I was laughing at the stop sign. My brother had one in his room
Joan- I can see why you are pursued by a younger man. You are a very intelligent woman as well as a beautiful soul.

The stop sign was a "thing" when I was young,

yaya - I think we left ours in the apartment when we moved out, What an image of your mum tooling down the road - scary!!! - and funny

hope22 - you are the smoothie queen!

sharyn - well, it wasn't my mind or my soul he was after, lol. If any of you have done any on line dating, you know what I mean.But he was different. He did want a relationship. Something to not tell your grandchildren - at least until they are older. I thought it was bad enough with ex who is 16 years younger than me.

Think this belongs in the failures and accomplishments thread - not what's for dinner ;p. I could go on a fantasy trip here, but I won't.

Meat loaf, mashed potatoes and peas -with mushroom gravy, pie for dessert. Now we are back to normal.

Jeanne it is all your fault - you mentioned the will-you-marry-me caramel apple cake. ;)

emjo...yummmmo...meat loaf, mashed potatoes and favorite meal of all I AM hungry... re the smoothies....I am moving on to work with hiding veggies in them...hehe

Meatloaf does sound yummy...maybe for Friday when I'm off again. Tonight is round steak simmered with onions. Broiled zucchini sprinkled with mozzarli (sp?) Cheese ans home made potato wedges roasted olive oil with salt and pepper and smoked paprika.

put some m - f 'in cut up bell or sweet peppers in that meat loaf and youll be happ ' nin ..

ah, dinner bologna sandwich and a and w root beer. lol. have to take the car in tomorrow to get a new windshield here's the corker a rock hit it when I drove under a highway overpass and READY.. I haven't even made the first payment on the car yet.LOL.. cheer up guys. when I get depressed reading these things I just stay off the site for a bit till I catch my breath again.

Eight- that does suck. My mom side swiped a car many years ago in a new car. She left a note on the ended up being their insurance agent, LOL!

Patty Melt with lots of cheese and roasted potatoes. And a double chocolate malted "ensure" for Mama. :)

Pulled a bag of spaghetti and a bag of meat sauce out of the freezer for dinner tonight. It's been a long, busy day and it's going to be a longer, busier night....and I STILL haven't done the darn dishes....

i had cheese tortellini and my pasta sauce, ciabatta bread for us a soft white for dad and a apple/celery slaw that was just in food network magazine. Watermelon and chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

It's my hubs 57th birthday, so we splurged with steamed shrimp and steak, sauted portabella mushrooms, deviled eggs and cole slaw, with cupcakes and Ritas custard and gelatto for dessert. Daughter joined us, Mom ate a big plate full ( rare for her) and Dad loved it all. We all had a good time!

More meat loaf, this time with a mushroom sauce from heaven. I love building layers of flavour. I had added a little sherry but it needed something more so I gave it a shot of red wine too. Just the ticket and it will be better tomorrow. At the end of the week I need to do dishes that I can use to pack lunches for G to take with him on the weekends. Tonight I will serve fresh corn and a green veggie with it and boil up some potatoes for the lunches. He doesn't usually have corn and potatoes - it keeps his lean cowboy figure. I have been nibbling today, so cauliflower soup for me.

emjo , im starving tonight . are you sure you wont toss gary under the bus and join my cootie platoon? probly not . boni , feed me d*mmit , i cant live on handfulls of pills ..

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