It could be the Lone Ranger at 106 years old. Anyhoo, to mask or not to mask, wish the medical community, CDC, and the Federal government would make up their mind. Honestly, I thought we should have been doing this back in mid-January. Oh well, it is what it is.
News reports easily say one can make a mask at home. Yeah right, like we all have a sewing machine at home. Heck, at my age it would take all day just to thread a needle.
I was thinking of ideas. Let's see, maybe a Poise pad would work. Maybe in a pinch if you don't want to breathe. White anklet sock, maybe, pin some rubber bands on either side. Duct tape, nope.
Found some left over blue sheets. Hey, this works, cut the mask to size. Use an old fashioned one hole punch. Loop one large rubber band through each hole, and here's a throw away mask [save the rubber bands and Lysol them down]. Read where the blue paper towels that one finds in workshops and auto shops will work [do not use regular paper towels].
My Dad had built a food pantry under the basement stairs. And on the bedroom level was a large linen closet. Getting toilet paper was easy back then, as it was delivered to the house just like the milk man and egg man would do home delivery.
In the 1950's, at the start of store coupons, my Mom was a regular clipper. I still do coupons today. No dinner out unless there is a coupon :) Anyone remember Green Stamps? Mom had her stamp books. Remember when banks would give a gift when opening a new account? Like a toaster. Remember when gas stations would give away a drinking glass with a design, and one would feel the need to collect the whole set? Why not, one had to purchase gas anyway.
I agree with you 100%! People buy what they want and beg for what they need. I also have no problem with the IT gadgets, but for those who can't pay their rent or food but have a $800.00 cell phone insane! It doesn't make sense.
My parents were planners. My mother always kept us stock with canned goods & paper products and my dad kept us stocked up on meat and now I do it.
For me, I would rather have my bills paid, money in the bank, roof over my head and food than the latest IT toys!
But that's just me!😳
I don't think you sound critical and chocolate makes everything better! LOL
I keep putting on my lipstick like I always have and then when I go in the store,I put on my mask and take it off when I get back in the car and I look like a clown with lipstick all over my face,so your idea of a sticker with red lips sounds perfect to me.
Regarding habits, usually when I head out the door I put on lipsticks. Silly me, I put on lipstick, then my face mask. What is wrong with this picture :P Then I was thinking, someone needs to make stickers of red or pink lips to put on the face masks..... [giggle].
"There will come a time when a good man must wear a mask".
I would also add that I hope people reassess their spending habits and focus more on staples and long term planning than on the tech toy of the day. I won't deny the value of some, especially cell and smart phones, and I don't mean to criticize anyone here.
But I'd rather have staples than gadgets. And it spurs creativity. I've finally figured out to fix a broken vacuum cleaner, my favorite one, instead of paying to have it fixed. (Hopefully my idea works!)
One of the things I've been planning throughout this is having my garage wired for electricity so I can put a spare frig and/or freezer there for additional food. Much as I'm hesitant about the hard work involved, I also want to dig out an area on the side of the garage to create a cold frame, and I'm trying to figure out where I can add a root cellar. (These are big projects though - lots of digging and shoveling...maybe I can reward myself with chocolate???)
I'm also (gasp!) cleaning out some books I probably won't read again to create storage space for canned goods.
Mom always stocked up when she could, not only from canning what we grew in our garden, but b/c Dad worked in the auto industry and was periodically laid off. My sister and I learned to sew early, and from age 13, I made as many of my clothes as I could, including a sort of botched up bathing suit that really wasn't wearable (I didn't know how to sew with elasticized fabric).
I'm adamant that people need to focus on the basics before the frills. And that would help alleviate some of the hardship people are now experiencing b/c of lack of food and money.
I hope this doesn't sound critical; it's not meant to be. I try to see the current situation though in the light not only of the dire and catastrophic consequences, but as a learning experience.
Store Manager just flipped him the bird.
I hope in our 'new normal' people will be kinder and respectful more to one another. And stop being so self-entitled...those that think the world revolves around know the they cut you off and get mad at you and those who cut in front of you in line and don't seem to ever see what the problem know what I am talking about...I am sure you have come across them!😳
And I think wise people will plan for this (beyond hoarding toilet paper!), consider growing more of their own food, canning, and creating our own lockdown strategies.
I have no problem with covering my mouth and nose. God knows I don't want to get Covid and I sure don't want to give it to someone! I am just hoping that it doesn't become a permanent normal! That is all I am saying!😷
I really hope that our new normal isn't going to have to wear masks when out in public. Hoping that it is temporary. But you could be right! Heavy sigh!🐧
Hair ties work.
Chocolate bunny was always the very best thing in our Easter baskets! Do you remember the sugar eggs? They were so beautiful that I didn’t eat them. I just stared at them. Hahaha 😂
I didn’t really eat the jelly beans much except for the licorice ones. I did like those. Didn’t like peeps. They are cute to look at but not to eat.
That man who drank the fish cleanse....that was really something! I don’t think he even had COVID-19 if I recall correctly?
That’s bizarre. Fish cleaner? Yuck!
Maybe you can secure the too large rubber gloves at your wrists with some rubber bands or even hair scrunchies if you have them.
When it comes to masks and gloves, I keep reading that just about anything is better than nothing.
Of course common sense must prevail. Anyone else see the news story about the man who drank fish tank cleaner in an attempt to prevent getting sick? The virus didn’t get him but the tank cleaner did. So sad.
Needhelp you’re too sweet!! I’m only going out in public one a week so I am really not stressed over wearing masks especially since I saw how many rolls of blue towels we have! I think by the time I finally get the hang of things and manage to buy 2 full weeks of essentials at a time, this will all be over with LOL! I keep misjudging how long things will last or forgetting essentials. Went out last Thursday for essentials and forgot the pet essentials so I had to go back out on Tuesday!
I also spotted a box of rubber gloves in one of hubby’s cabinets....only problem is they are size XL and I need a small. If use the XLs when I go out for groceries, will it totally defeat the purpose? They slip right off my hands. I’ve used them for cleaning in the past and ended up with dirty water in the gloves!
I wish I lived near you I would drop off masks at your house. Or you could pick up some masks from my house.
Someone asked the governor at our last press conference about the Easter Bunny going to people’s houses for the kids. It was a cute question. His answer was adorable. He said the bunny always makes a stop at his house and he hopes the bunny will make it to his house too 😊.
Tough year for the kiddos. I know you will find a way to make it as special as it can be for them. You’re a sweet mom.
I spied 4 brand new roles of blue shop towels on top of a cabinet in the garage last night! I thought all we had was what was left on the roll by the laundry sink.....I think I will make a few disposable masks out blue shop towels. Unfortunately thanks to the hoarders, I don’t have anything to disinfect with. Unless hand sanitizer counts. And even if I did....I’m not comfortable using those chemicals on something that will go over my mouth & be breathed in.
Another great chocolate was from Maison Blanche in New Orleans, but NeedHelpWithMom has said that the store has closed. Darn...well, maybe not or I'd be ordering some now.
Another great chocolate was for candy making. I think it was Merckens. Decades ago I found a great store with chocolate and molds for melting and making my own chocolates.
I think I wrote about this before, so if I did...I apologize. But it was so much fun I have to share...again (?)
Mom had stayed with me over one winter while healing from a fracture. Dad went to their summer RV park down South. For Easter, Mom and I made chocolates for Dad and some neighbors. In my large collection of Dover coloring books, I found a design for an RV with some cacti and similar Texas or desert designs.
We colored the design and used it to cover a Stouffer's box, while making chocolates in objects as close to the design as possible, then sent the chocolates to Dad for Easter.
Lots of fun...and of course lots of sampling as we had to ensure the quality of the chocolate was up to our standards.
Teach your children by your example. Show them that you are happy to do your part and they will learn to feel the joy in giving.
Both of my daughters have always given to the community because they always saw me giving my time and effort to others. Give from your hearts to anything that you feel passionate about.
I have one daughter who spends time painting classrooms and helping to spruce up elementary schools with her fellow university students every year. They go to lower income areas.
My other daughter serves food to the homeless in the city. We can all find something to do.
So make a few extra masks to pass out so everyone is doing their part in not spreading germs. People are carriers and don’t know that they are.
Stay safe 🙏
What kind of mask are you wearing?
I have asthma too. So sorry. I am making 100 percent cotton masks that are comfy.
Now, I am faced with having to take my husband to his 4th followup appt at glaucoma dr next week. I was told to be prepared to sit outside in my car while he is there. This is in downtown Dallas, TX. Very unsafe area. I will not sit outside. Seniors are ez prey for those who steal. We tried to cancel and reschedule but, they refused to allow it. He has dementia and no immune system now since surgery and I have one lung that is dying, severe bronchial asthma and a liver disease. I will be wearing a mask and carrying sanitizing items.
May all of you be safe and the best to the care givers.