It could be the Lone Ranger at 106 years old. Anyhoo, to mask or not to mask, wish the medical community, CDC, and the Federal government would make up their mind. Honestly, I thought we should have been doing this back in mid-January. Oh well, it is what it is.
News reports easily say one can make a mask at home. Yeah right, like we all have a sewing machine at home. Heck, at my age it would take all day just to thread a needle.
I was thinking of ideas. Let's see, maybe a Poise pad would work. Maybe in a pinch if you don't want to breathe. White anklet sock, maybe, pin some rubber bands on either side. Duct tape, nope.
Found some left over blue sheets. Hey, this works, cut the mask to size. Use an old fashioned one hole punch. Loop one large rubber band through each hole, and here's a throw away mask [save the rubber bands and Lysol them down]. Read where the blue paper towels that one finds in workshops and auto shops will work [do not use regular paper towels].
Regarding habits, usually when I head out the door I put on lipsticks. Silly me, I put on lipstick, then my face mask. What is wrong with this picture :P Then I was thinking, someone needs to make stickers of red or pink lips to put on the face masks..... [giggle].
I keep putting on my lipstick like I always have and then when I go in the store,I put on my mask and take it off when I get back in the car and I look like a clown with lipstick all over my face,so your idea of a sticker with red lips sounds perfect to me.
I agree with you 100%! People buy what they want and beg for what they need. I also have no problem with the IT gadgets, but for those who can't pay their rent or food but have a $800.00 cell phone insane! It doesn't make sense.
My parents were planners. My mother always kept us stock with canned goods & paper products and my dad kept us stocked up on meat and now I do it.
For me, I would rather have my bills paid, money in the bank, roof over my head and food than the latest IT toys!
But that's just me!😳
I don't think you sound critical and chocolate makes everything better! LOL
My Dad had built a food pantry under the basement stairs. And on the bedroom level was a large linen closet. Getting toilet paper was easy back then, as it was delivered to the house just like the milk man and egg man would do home delivery.
In the 1950's, at the start of store coupons, my Mom was a regular clipper. I still do coupons today. No dinner out unless there is a coupon :) Anyone remember Green Stamps? Mom had her stamp books. Remember when banks would give a gift when opening a new account? Like a toaster. Remember when gas stations would give away a drinking glass with a design, and one would feel the need to collect the whole set? Why not, one had to purchase gas anyway.