My father is now in a nursing care center but even before this, he would have 2 days where he was more alert (meaning awake) and then he would have a day where he would hardly have his eyes open but yet he would ramble on. he wasn't sleeping but his eyes were barely slit open and I knew (know) it would be a down day. But I have seen other patients at this facility that hardly go thru this process.....what is the difference or does anyone know? does it have to do with the stage of dementia they are in?
The doctor says it's just natural progression (she had another stroke 2 weeks ago) but everyone is different. Perhaps your father is taking a medication that isn't agreeing with him?
I am exhausted trying to make some sense of it. We are in the process of testing now to get a definite diagnosis for my cousin, but with dementia it seems to be so unpredictable. One minute my cousin is having an anxiety spell, crying, making irrational comments and complaining, but an hour later, she has no memory of it and is fine. I have lost sleep over issues she was having, but the next morning they were non-existent. Her behavior is all over the place.
I'm not sure what you do. I will make some kind of decisions after we get a definite diagnosis, but even then, This unpredictable and frustrating behavior is likely to get worse over time, not better. I guess the next step is to see if there are any medications that can stabilize things. I guess that's my only hope.