My wife, who is bedridden, wears diapers. When she has a bowel movement it goes all over the diaper and into her vagina. This seems to be causing her to have UTIs frequently. This keeps her from taking her PT which can help her eventually no longer be bedridden. Any ideas on how to keep the bowel movements from entering her vagina?
So if your wife is on any sort of pooping schedule, you may want to hire an aide to come at that time to put her on a bedside commode.
I wish you the very best, as I know this is not only hard on you, but her as well.
Using a Hoyer Lift makes it easy to get her onto a commode or into the bathroom. The slings with the "commode hole" make it easier to clean someone after toileting. It can also be used while in the shower. (the mesh sling is easy to wash and dries quickly)
Actually not to give an anatomy lesson here it is the urethra that you want to protect from fecal matter. You can provide some protection by using a barrier cream, just a very light bit, patted on not rubbed in. And obviously when you are cleaning wiping from front to back is important. And using PLENTY of wipes. I used to use a LOT of wash cloths to clean my Husband before I would start using wipes. I could get more removed with a thicker wet cloth than the thinner wipes.