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Absolutely. My oldest brother had POA when my dad passed away & robbed my mom of all life insurance. She can’t get it back because he is on disability but poa was revoked. I took my mom to the bank because his children told me what he was doing. Then my middle brother who lives far away just like the oldest steals from her home. I’m POA & my mother & my family we all reside together. I confronted both of them so we didn’t speak. I just let them start coming back around and my middle brother we call him pastor sticky fingers called APA on me 2 times. 1 time saying her home wasn’t clean. It’s spotless and is in both our names. Then when my mom had an ulcer rupture turned me in again. So I gave the apa lady a hard time because my mom has dementia let her come see her again. Then I hired a lawyer to send both my brothers a cease order. Inferring in my duty as poa is unexceptionable and waisting the time of an agency because there are elders neglected and abused I cut them off. They are blocked and are not aloud to contact me or come to the home. I cut off my aunt and cousin to because they were not nice to my mom and would say very hurtful things about her and to her. Unhealthy visits so no more. My aunt disowned my mom over not spending her bDay w her after 9 days staying with her in PA. She wanted to spend it w myself and her family. I never imagined the things that happened would happen . But they did. It’s very sad when family turns on the one who is there and is doing everything right . I use to cry about it , but not anymore. We have peace now and no drama or anyone coming and scaring my mom thinking they are coming to take her away. It’s better this way. Do not let anyone abuse you . Question you or harass you . It will just make caring for a parent so much harder then it is. I love my mom and I will care for her up and until God decides it is her time to go be w my father. I pray for all caregivers of parents this kind of thing doesn’t go on but unfortunately it happens more then not. God bless you and keep the love flowing ❤️🙏😊
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Based on life's experiences, not kind, I have been forced to learn something. When we are in life and in a particular situation, of whatever kind or nature and who, and it is toxic to us - we have two basic choices; We stay and endure and put up with the harm being done to us and don't fight back when we can't solve it - or we get strong, take a good look at the entire decision, and then decide to move on to a new and better life and leave what is bad and harmful behind us. Oh, it is frightful, sad, uncertain, etc. but once we have the guts to do so, eventually we look back and realize how blessed we are that we did what we should have done earlier. I know - been there, done that. Some things can't be fixed - so we should move on. This goes for family situations and those who are impacting our lives in a very negative way. DO NOT ALLOW THAT.
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