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can't not can to
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I agree, Dave, that "stages" are B.S.! Absolutely! Doctors like to think they know more than they know; sometimes they know nothing. That's why they're "practicing." :)
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I always think I have a tough life caring for my 95 year old mother until I read some of your comments here. That is when I realize it could be so much worse. (Wamnanealz for one). For those of you who are caring for your aging parents or spouses, God bless you. Your life is not easy. Only those who have done it understand the heartache and hardships you go through on a daily basis. Stay strong and know that the Lord really does have mansions for each and every one of you in Heaven. Seek help in any way you can. You are NOT weak, uncaring, unthankful or any other negative feelings you have. You are human, doing a herculean job others don't or won't do. Give yourselves a big pat on the back and know that there are others who really understand the frustrations you are going through. A big hug to all of you wonderful caregivers out there. You all deserve a gold medal for your efforts!
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I think the stages are accurate to be honest - there is no defined wall of staging though and most doctors will tell you how little they do in fact know about dementia. They use stages to clarify what they are talking about just as we use numbers to determine how watery poop is or qualification to determine what entry level to the services we should be at.

Its not a definite oh she/he cannot do that - then that is stage 3 its more of a guide to show people the deterioration that can and probably will occur along the way. That said it totally depends on which lobe of the brain is being attacked or if you prefer where brain cells are damaged that determines which losses occur when and in what order and it's that bit they haven't gotten to understand yet - hence the seeming lack of clarity
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wamnanealz, it is entirely possible that he had the urge to poop and could not remember where the bathroom is or how to get there. Diaper time.
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