There are limited funds, more than twice the income just to cover limited caregiving. My sister had been involved but she was increasingly uncooperative and deliberately disruptive so I kicked her out. I cannot sustain the care for my father alone. Everything is better without the sister but the money is running out. I need more time to cultivate alternatives. My nephew has been acting as a mediator but the sister has already shown that she is still interested in deliberately disrupting things. She has not been involved in the caregiving for weeks yet when contacted by the hospital to schedule an appointment because her number was still in their circulation she scheduled an appointment on a Sat. and did not consult me. She had no business scheduling an appointment at all. She should have given them my number. Instead she used this as an opportunity to blind side me. She had scheduled appointments in the past without telling me. It was one of many problems. I don't sleep when I am covering my father's care. I am tired and there is preparation involved in a visit. She did not even say a time, just that a nurse was coming. No number provided. So I wasted a day until the nurse contacted me. Clearly this sister is not going to cooperate and much of what she has done jeopardizes my father's well-being. I don't have anyone else or money for any other plan. I am working on gov assistance but that will take time and I do not have enough money to float. I could set aside resentments and make compromises but I think my sister is after making people suffer and really does not care about my father. Any suggestions? I am working on a long-term plan, but I need ieas on what to do in the meantime.
Hang in there, Michael. I'm sorry that your sibling is worse than non-supportive (many of us have that, too)....Let your heart be your guide in taking care of your father - peace will come from taking that path. Karma will take care of Sis.