She still lives at home with her significant other. But he works during the day. So I go to her home every day to help her with breakfast,getting cleaned up and daily tasks of taking care of her home. She was hospitalized January of 2018 for pneumonia, flu a and flu b. Ended up having a surgery to remove a mass on the outside of her lung. Which caused a hole in her lung. Which put her on ventilator and other series of events happened for the whole year leading to now, she's 57 years old, 75lbs, had a chest tube, a trachea. She's in need of having someone with her every day until she gains her weight and gets stronger. I there every day to make sure she is OK.
If she can’t afford to pay you, you might be able to get paid as a caregiver through the Pennsylvania Medicaid waiver program. Your mom will have to apply for it. Keep in mind, most of these Medicaid Programs only pay for a few hours a week.