My Dad has dementia, depression, continuing weight loss, and macular degeneration. Although living in an assisted living wing of wonderful retirement community he shows NO interest in participating in activities, improving himself through physical therapy, or even going to mealsunless strongly encouraged. He stays often in bed until noon. Antidepressant had adverse side-effect. Lived large in younger years building and flying airplanes, traveling, etc. Now is not driving, or expressing interest in anything. Help! I'm sad, depressed, and feeling helpless about helping him feel better about life.
Sigh some days it's not so bad... Other days most's all I can do not to argue about what she perceives is so terrible. I get so sad that I can't help her to help herself be happy. We get through the days though..some days are better than others... All I can do is encourage and praise.. Not easy😊...
I guess what I am saying is we can't force them to see our point of view that there are still many joys still to enjoy to make our days happy or at least peaceful... All we can do is be a light for them ( not easy arghhh, I fail most days!) try to stay joyful, maybe when you go to vist your dad, read that book on the screen... Call your brother and sister before hand to prepare your frame of mind.. Kind of have a plan but be prepared to throw it out the window depending on his mood... Does he still walk? If so..encourage him to take a walk with you outside.. If he's in bed.. Just sit by his side... Bring him some of his favorite foods..although he may turn his nose up at..maybe ask your brother and sister what he does like. Foods my mom loved ..she doesn't care for and also her teeth make it hard for her to chew...
Call him and leave him messages if he doesn't answer.. Even if it is a one sided conversation.. 2 minutes make a huge difference..
Keep trying...try to keep your emotions in check...breath and be joyful... Same with your mom..make time for yourself away from all your responsibilities ..even an hour can help. Can stress enough time to take care of you!