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The issue is what is best for your wife now. She should be in a hospice facility. Her needs will be better served there. Bone cancer is incredibly painful and she would benefit from having 24 hour care.

It is admirable how you have taken care of her despite how she treats you but it is time to let go.
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Wow, what a heavy heavy care load.

You have your reasons to continue to provide care at home for your wife. However, your daughter & wife's sisters don't understand your viewpoint. (Or don't agree).

What do you want going forward?
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katnikwoo Dec 6, 2023
I just want peace. I want my wife to be out of her mental and physical pain. I never want to speak with the family again who stomped on me when I was at the most devastating point in my life and taking excellent care of my wife. I hope this doesn't kill me too and that I can finally have a life one day but now I worry that APS will try to put me away with no proof whatsoever. I have had healthcare workers in here for months who can attest to her physical care but my wife has said things like "he gets mad at me all the time" which is not true....she is the one constantly mad at me. It is devastating. I have been making recording daily of her rantings and abuse of me which I hope I could use in court should it ever be needed. I probably need to talk to someone but don't know where to turn. Glad I found this place
Welcome, Katnikwoo!

I am so sorry for your troubles.

It sounds as though you are a trigger for her

Consider that having her in a Nursing Home or Hospice Facility might be better for all concerned at this point.
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