We are 77 & 79; Activities are Mon, Bingo or Bridge (we don't like either)
Tues Painting class or cards, (can't hold a brush anymore)
Wed Zumba & Dancer/Exercise, (we both use walkers)
Thurs Facebook/email workshops (we already do that at home)
In order to do this, we'd have to walk all the way there (bus is only for lunch)
How can we get her to leave us alone?
The reason bingo remains popular is that you can fill a room with all abilities up to fairly advance dementia and it only takes one staff member to call the numbers.
I think the biggest challenge in running any senior's centre would be trying to accommodate people from various walks of life and cognitive abilities. Maybe if more people who are "with it" would attend they would have to put more effort into things that could sustain their interest. On the other hand most of these programs seem to have all the clients they can handle so they have no incentive to try harder.
religious beliefs. We understand that this is all you may know to advise us, but you are misinformed. Please stop this, or my friend, Maggie Marshall will help me ground you! Hope this is helpful.
Believe me, that is what I am hearing from my parents when they dug in their heels regarding the senior center years ago. I know my parents would have enjoyed the monthly movies and eating lunch among others of their own age group [the lunch menu didn't look half bad].
Maybe you should go. Start something!
PS What on earth are they up to that doesn't fit well with anyone's religious beliefs? I am agog to hear.
For example: Some christians who actually practice their beliefs (wait, isn't this off topic?) Aren't there any christians out there who would know the answer? Do I have to be the one to explain and then be "persecuted" for saying the truth?
I was happy to volunteer at the senior center!
For one example, bingo is considered gambling by legalists; yoga and tai chi are actually mind/spiritual practices that a christian does not practice. Etc. There are, however, "christians" who practice these things, no judgment here, there are many varieties of faith and many more varieties of practices. Christian Apologetics blog is located on another site, however. Since I was addressing someone who goes to church, I thought it was safe to state what I did. Please forgive me if anyone has been offended.
I'm a little disappointed. I was half-expecting something much livelier.
VStefans, thanks for answering that. I am sure the wine was just for Timothy because I am allergic to it; but wasn't the apostle Peter who dreamed we could take and eat (anything)? We could start a new thread, but it is not allowed on this caregiver forum, understandably, so I will honor that.
My recommendation for those people is to take a world history course and learn about other countries and their beliefs, especially those of ancient civilizations, and their contributions to arts, literature, science and government.
We humans have to share air, land, water and other resources. It's about time we learned how to get along with others who don't believe as we do because there may be a time when those resources are going to be scarce and cooperation will be mandatory.
Many older Baptist women do ballroom dancing. The seniors have a monthly dance in a town near to hear. It is well attended. Me, I got two left feet and a lag time in my brain that makes dancing nearly impossible. It doesn't take anyone long to figure out that I really CAN'T dance. The brain doesn't work right for it.
Twerking, however, would be banned. :P
Heck, the place is so nice, I plan to downsize and move in myself :)