early on in this battle I had learned somewhere's their is no way to actually diagnose dementia....that the person can only be officially diagnosed at Autopsy. So we put her on the Namenda and Aricept and just take care of her. Well her i am 9 ys later (long story) making my first neurologist apt ( related to a different ailment) and he sez..rudely.....why you here now, cant do much for her now, it has to be dealt with early on. when i explained myself, he then became helpful and i learned he can diagnose and determine what type of dementia she has. So now i am confused and upset.... could she have gotten better care initially...these jackass dr's piss me off...i digress.... i have reasoned that what would i have gained not much but comfort of official diagnosis...and maybe more time with her but actually why even prolong this suffering...so i am good with that part of it but....
what is the real story...and why these dr's are so ignorant!
Alzheimers is just one of the ways our bodies fall apart, like cancer is. It's worse than some. I personally fear type 2 diabetes more because it would require me to have structure in my life and diet, an that's like poison ivy to me. (You can tell I don't have any real experience yet, can't you?)
The FDA now officially recognizes that this can occur, but it seems none of the studies on prevention of atherosclerotic disease include anything for the statin-intolerant. Most people don't have either problem, and it appears cognitive side effects are not as common as muscle side effects. I am hoping that someone will do the genomic study to figure out who is at risk for the cognitive ones in advance, as they have done with muscle effects to a degree, since the statins are recommended for nearly everyone now, as the benefits to the population as a whole continue to look so good.
Google spacedoc - lipitor thief of memory
drugs were mentioned as a possible cause earlier in this thread, I believe there is something to this.
Good luck and find a new doctor, one that will listen to you and help.