My grandmother had been diagnosed with Pseudobulbar Affect after we took her to a neurologist. We took her because she was moaning and making "goat sounds." She was never diagnosed with Dementia/Alzheimer's.
I suspect these moans, whimpers, goat sounds were related to possible dementia, not Pseudobulbar Affect. I was hoping someone here might know. She never laughed at all, just moaned so I don't know why or how the neurologist came to this conclusion.
PBA is something that shows up as the result of brain damage, and Alzheimer's and other dementias damage the brain so PBA is an explanation, not a diagnosis. People here on the forum have taught me that when you've seen one person with dementia you've only seen one person with dementia - the symptoms are extremely varied and although they follow a similar trajectory they are unique to each. This article might help you: