Mom had some surgery end of May and will be in Transitional Care (skilled nursing facility ) and then to either ALF, or remain in SNF. I am her DPOA. She has asked me to "get the house ready for sale." She has many items that are not listed in the Personal Property section of her Will-- things like some furniture, sewing machine, exercise equipment (maybe put that on curb with a "FREE " sign....). In other words, she seems to want me to clear it out-- but siblings are hankering to be let into the house....(mind you these are the Very Same Ones who couldn't do anything to help take care of their own Mother)....they want me to let them into the house so they can take stuff... Well, how in the world is that going to go smoothly? Do I first remove all the items that ARE on the Personal Property Lists and then just open it all up to the sibs? What if one sib takes more than someone who couldn't get there in time? I predict chaos. And I am trying to spend my energy visiting mom every day. I go back, to what mom SAID, "get the house ready for sale, get rid of stuff. " what does everyone think, just keep it locked up and tell the sibs they're out of luck? Mom's & my church is having a rummage sale in 3 wks. I'm tempted to just bring it all there (save the Personal Prop List items in my own basement). Want to what mom wants, and what is easiest for me too.
More people should do this.
NYS allows this form to be used in assigning a single contact. This was important for same-sex partners to grant a partner the right, rather than having them pushed to the side for a family member to handle arrangements. It is also helpful when multiple parties are involved and relationships are contentious.
Now that marriage equality has been upheld for all as of today, same-sex spouses are covered by the law, I expect. For all who have been waiting for this to become reality, I wish you well and I'm happy for you.
Here is the form for NYS: