If I can't find a poster's most recent answer or comment to a thread, I need to leave this site.
I've just spent 20 minutes trying to find an OP's comment to a question.
I'm leaving and this is why. I can't spend time scrolling through endless posts.
The suggestion to include a link directly to the new reply is a good one. We will approach the idea with the tech team, as it is always our incentive to implement improvements for our members.
In answer to other questions, yes, there are Admins here. But it has always been our policy to loosely moderate the forum. We are all adults here, so while some posters might be more provocative than others, we do not censor posts by taste. Posts are only edited or removed in accordance with our comment policy. That said, personal attacks are always removed because caregivers are here for support. It is common practice on public forums to close the edit function after a period of time. Editing/deleting posts causes issues with continuity of a thread or historical context. Any concern about a post can be handled by contacting an admin directly with the "contact us" function or by email: kim.barnett@agingcare.com
Although you have pointed out frustrations with the workings of the site, you are all providing what was intended in the creation of the forum- answers and support for other caregivers. Especially after a stressful holiday season, large numbers of caregivers who are struggling find this site. Every day your interactions with them provide solace. We sincerely thank you for helping others who are in need and appreciate the important role you are providing in the lives of other caregivers.
No pressure to stay, it's just that you are a lighthouse in a storm, a source of experience and stability, someone others can trust for answers.
When I get worn out, and need to post less often, I feel it is okay because of people like you, standing strong, holding the line on common sense and reality, imo.
The website may be dysfunctional, but you are not.
See you after the break....
Love from Send
Roaming around this website looking for something is good brain exercise :)
Thanks to you all; at least the admins responded. I am on another financial support site (www.bogleheads.org) and the interface is SO much better, easier to navigate, etc. And it's an entirely volunteer-run site.
The fact that these folks are making money off our good advice is not sitting well with me right now, but I don't seem to be able to stop responding.....
I kept reading hoping to see if you posted again, and am so thankful you did! I'm also glad the admin came on and I hope they can make some technical changes.
I always want you to do what's best for you, but if you leave here don't be surprised if you see me suddenly hanging out at bogleheads ;)
I hope this helps.
Please stay, I always have appreciated your input on the different situations on here.
It is impossible to find the most recent response when it is buried in a reply to another comment. What if we just all agree not to use the "Reply to" feature? It's easy enough to state in your response that you're replying to so-and-so, right?
I hope you don't leave, though, b/c I always love reading your advice & comments & have learned a lot from you.
Take a break and then come back........we need you!!! :)
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