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Barb, sorry to hear that you are leaving. Sometimes I want to leave as well, there are some posters here that are kinda rude or love to pull out the drama card. I don't think you should leave but if you are uncomfortable here, then I can't stop you. I wish you well in the future, friend.
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Barb I'm happy to see you have been posting since your "snit" 🤣, I agree with you though. I tend to drop any threads that get a lot of answers and replies, I figure there are obviously enough others who can carry on without me.
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freqflyer Jan 2020
cwillie, I do the same thing. And Barb, don't you dare leave.

Roaming around this website looking for something is good brain exercise :)
Yeah, I think I had a tantrum; need more sleep, clearly.

Thanks to you all; at least the admins responded. I am on another financial support site ( and the interface is SO much better, easier to navigate, etc. And it's an entirely volunteer-run site.

The fact that these folks are making money off our good advice is not sitting well with me right now, but I don't seem to be able to stop responding.....
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ExhaustedPiper Jan 2020
Barb I just saw this thread about ten minutes ago and freaked out! No!!! I don't want you to leave, you have helped me and so many others. More than the therapist I paid to see! I don't know how I can ever repay you for saving my sanity multiple times. Please know I am very thankful.

I kept reading hoping to see if you posted again, and am so thankful you did! I'm also glad the admin came on and I hope they can make some technical changes.

I always want you to do what's best for you, but if you leave here don't be surprised if you see me suddenly hanging out at bogleheads ;)
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I’m glad you haven’t left. I admire your advice and appreciate you sharing it. As for the drama queens and smart alecks that post, when i feel feisty, I just post back telling them they must be a saint for handling everything perfectly. Otherwise i just laugh about how miserable they must be! Bahaha!
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Barb, BIG HUGS! I am so glad you are back, even if you feel you needed a break for a while, you do that, but your participation is so incredibly valuable to so many, I would hate to see you go for good!

Boggleheads, I love that site too, and should spend more time over there, as one can always use their helpful information on finances and investments.! At a time when we all need to get our financial house in order, I have seen some pretty useful stuff on that one. In fact, this is the year that my husband and I are planning to save as much money as possible, just to challenge ourselves, and then hopefully invest that money somewhere to see how we do, it's actually pretty fun, and a welcome addition now that we are out of the Caregiver role and time to concentrate on ourselves for a change!

Good Luck with your investment portfolio, we can never prepare enough for our own old age, as we well know from hanging out here for so many years, lol!
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Barb, you posted this on 1-8, right, the day after the Iranian strike?    I would be surprised if there were very many at all who weren't in need of more sleep, relaxation, chocolatem cuddling family or a furry friend, or a good long hike outdoors after the tension of that day.   

I spent the entire time from initiation of the strike to the aftermath either following it online or on tv, and couldn't relax until determination was made that no Americans were injured.

These are trying times, for more reasons than that.    I recommend a day with your grandchildren, or wandering in a museum or flower market or something very relaxing.    Me, I'm ordering garden catalogues.

I hope today is more restful for you and your family and for all those who were stressed to the max worrying about the missile strikes and the preceding action.
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Cwillie, let me clarify. I don’t know I have a private message unless I check my profile. I am only notified by email that I have a private message by email at 6:03 am and 6:03pm. That is 12 hours in between I am not notified. So I have to remember to check my profile to see if I have a private message.
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Barb... I haven't been on this site for all that long....A year plus..... maybe? But I do recognize a kindred spirit and one who gives such invaluable advice. Frustration can lead to decisions that are sometimes difficult and must be made for our own benefit. That will be sorely missed. You have reached mentor status for many of us but your peace of mind is of utmost importance.

I get it.....this site can be annoying and not the easiest to navigate. Hopefully admin. smoothed some feathers.....and we will continue to benefit from your insight.......Be well, my friend.
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Thank you Admin Kim Barnett!
Replying to your message below, with thanks.
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This site is addicting!! I can’t tell you how many times I have been late for something because I haven’t left home yet and still on this site. Been late for work too, lol. It’s more addicting than Facebook, lol.
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I have had enough of nasty responses from trolls on this site: I was accused of wearing "rose colored glasses" and placing guilt on someone in one thread. I think this site should allow people to block certain screen names or remove posts that are very nasty and cruel.
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Speaking of dysfunction what is with all the spam and trolls slipping through lately? We have been free from them for so long now that I really thought AC had that problem solved 😕
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cwillie, I do the same thing, flying over threads that already have a lot of excellent answers. And Barb, don't you dare leave.

Roaming around this website looking for something is good brain exercise :)

[I re-posted this because I realize it is hard to find a new post when it is mixed in with an older answer posting. The website Next Door has the same format].
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I agree anonymous, we should be able to block people or remove nasty comments. There have been alot of snarky comments on here lately. I have been told when i was at my lowest point, some poster said "I'm glad your not my daughter!!!!!" Yeah, thanks for all the encouragment. Sometimes I feel like jumping out a window and a snarky comment WOULD NOT HELP!!! How do we get ahold of the ADMIN to say something about blocking? Also being able to block private messages if we find the snarky????
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Everyday in life, there seems to be something on the radio, tv, person on a street, that bugs us... Do get frustrated, but sometimes, you just need to change the channel, and there it is!! another commercial you just saw on the other station.

On this site, I pick and choose a topic I want to read, and if I feel like, sorry about this, I more often than not respond, mostly willie nillie, not offering great advice, but try to give some kind of advice while I am trying to get something off my chest.

I Thank this site for being around. I freaked out when I though Captain jumped overboard... He is around :)

CWillie, Countrymouse, etc...

Anyway to BookMark the page, so you can go back and grab that thread you want to look at again? TRY TO BOOKMARK IT ON YOUR COMPUTER.
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Top line of computer says: Chrome, that's what I use,: file edit view history bookmarks people window and help.


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Try it. Bookmark any page and see if it works..


Then later you can cataagorize it (I think).
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If the mods are still reading here...
One other thing I'd like to see is the ability to report a post -spam or inappropriate language - directly from my news feed instead of having to go to the thread where it was posted.
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And the ability to report a new question or profile without having to respond and report our own post or email admin.
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