My 89 yr. old mother has been suffering from this for almost 2 years. I've read about burning mouth syndrome and water brash. This can be caused from Acid Reflux. She has had an endoscope which showed inflammation in the esophagus and stomach. She doesn't like to take medicine and has only tried prescription Nexium and Prilosec for about 3 weeks at a time. I get her to take it but then she says it makes her mouth worse and quits taking it. She doesn't eat much anymore because of her mouth. She gets so depressed and upset because of it that she says she just wants to take something and go on and die. This really upsets me and I don't know what to do. I want to help her, but she is really stubborn and refuses to take any medicine except her blood pressure medicine. I am about at the end of my rope so if there is anybody out there that has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
Where have you been all my life darling? Your post is amazing! Life is a constant learning process, and I'm telling you -- this forum is helping me grow and age gracefully. Thank you so much my sister.
i hope this helps , ask ur doctor about some kind of liquid antibodic , witch hazel i wish i could remeber the name of it , im sorry . hope this helps ,