
My 88 year old sister with advanced dementia, urinates excessively at night. She has 2 diapers plus a pad but still manages to wet her nightie, bed pad, sheets and is wet up to her neck. She complains of being really thirsty and is cold all the time. Her bedroom is really warm though. She is a poor sleeper and we hesitate to wake her to change her as then she starts in chanting and may not go back to sleep. Any suggestions. Tried the external adapter but she pulls it out.

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Reply to sad4sis
AlvaDeer Oct 13, 2024
So welcome, sadsis.
If you are putting 2 incontinent briefs (I dis like the term "diaper" when talking about an adult but that's just me)
Are they intended to be doubled up or are you removing the moisture proof barrier? If you are doubling a brief the one closest to the skin has a barrier that is intended to keep moisture from escaping so the one on top of it will not capture all the urine, it will most likely leak out by way of the skin folds.
the pad is probably more effective than the brief on the outside of the first one.
There are absorbent bed pads, washable ones that will capture and wick away great amounts of fluid. The ones I got for my Husband were Conni Bed pads. they are HUGE and the ones I got are supposed to hold 80 fluid ounces. And they wash beautifully
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Reply to Grandma1954

Limit salt intake. No fluids several hours before sleep. Do know that when the feet go up the urine starts getting eliminated. The heart pump is too week to do that efficiently during the day so it "catches up" at night.
Do get a blood panel and do discuss with doctor.
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to AlvaDeer

If you've tried all the active bladder medications, and Botox in her bladder with no success, and since you said the Purewick didn't work, I would next talk to her urologist about a supra pubic catheter which is a permanent one placed right above her belly button, and one she couldn't pull out.
That was the only thing that helped my late husband whose incontinence was off the charts, especially over night, and he also tried all the medications and the Botox.
It was nice to just have to empty his catheter bag once in the morning and once in the evening.
I wish you well as you help your sister with this issue.
Helpful Answer (3)
Reply to funkygrandma59
Grandma1954 Sep 10, 2024
There is a good likelihood she would pull out or try pulling out a supra pubic catheter. People with dementia do not do well with "tubes" (IV's. catheters, feeding tubes, even oxygen....)
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