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So very sorry for you, Midkid. Many hugs to you. As horrible as this was, I hope you can put it aside now... try to... because you've done your best. You never know what will change in the future. I was completely stymied in my caregiving role at one time by siblings/mother but somehow I managed to push what I knew was best through for my father and things are much improved in his situation. You never know.
Helpful Answer (3)

Sorry you had such a terrible night

Take a break, rest and let other siblings intervene
Helpful Answer (2)

I’m at a loss.

Bert will allow this. Bert won’t allow that. Why does everyone give Bert so much power? Is there no one in Berts four siblings that is able to stand up to him - to tell him he’s acting like a jackass? What about POA brother? Surely he has some authority?

After all - she is all of yours mother - not just Berts. Yes - I understand she lives with him - more or less - but it’s not like that is the only option. Not if your better off financially sibs are willing to help out to the length you’ve described.

What I can’t fathom is what it is Burt is getting out of all of this. But if you actually suspect that “pay-back” may be the root, you need to have one of your sibs on the lookout. Clearly it can’t be you. Bad mother or not - no elder deserves to be treated like a brainless prisoner - to be mechanical lifted and diapered once - then left to sit. And sit. Like you said it’s inhuman. Does Bert understand that his “custody” of mother can be legally challenged and her person removed from his home?

I recall you saying APS was once contacted on your mothers behalf regarding Burt. Have you reconsidered the validity of that call at all? I think I might - based on what you’re now describing.

Anyhoo - for sure the whole situation sucks. But I tend to think you’re well out of it - at least for the time being. But I am sorry you had to go through this cluster F of a meeting. Your intentions were good.
Helpful Answer (8)

Mid, I'm so sorry that it didn't go as you had hoped. What you want for your mom is the best care, right?

Well, Mom won. It always amazes me how some mothers can play their kids off against each other. Your mother tells brother one thing and then guilts you for not doing more. The only way to sanity, for you, is to walk away and let your mom have what she wants. Which is to stay in her space with no interference.

Your mom is competent enough to complain to her friends. Her friends could pick up a phone and call APS, or your brother.

I think the only path for you to take right now is to acede to your mom's wishes and bow out the way your siblings have.

Visit if you feel the need. If mom asks you to do something, I'd quote what your brother told you if it makes you feel better.
Helpful Answer (7)

(As usual), I agree with BarbBrooklyn. Your mother has treated you so horribly in the past -- why not step out the way your siblings have?

Now that the other sibs have agreed to each stop in once a week, they can be in the best position to report Bert too APS. (Who reported him the other time?) One thing I've noticed is that you seem to be more concerned about your mother than the others....why is that? You certainly weren't her golden child.

If she is still competent (which she is, right?), then she is living the life that she wants. Bert may be keeping her hostage (and I do agree that some of what you describe sounds like neglect, if not outright abuse), but she must like it that way? Is it really a case of Stockholm Syndrome?
Helpful Answer (7)

I agree with Barb and CTTN - you've done your part, now step away and live your life. Your mom has chosen her path and it foolishly doesn't include you. Let your siblings keep you posted on mom's care (if they go) and if not, oh well. You don't have control and you've done what you can. You did the noble thing and got kicked in the teeth for it. So now you can step away with a clear conscience and take care of YOURSELF for a change. Leave mom and brother to their own devices. {{{Hugs}}}
Helpful Answer (7)

You guys do NOT KNOW how much this board is saving me...Last night, after all had left, I got ready for bed and cried and cried. Lousy night sleep.

All I wanted out of this meeting was for all 5 of us to be on the same page and all know the same things about Mother. Bert takes her to the Dr's and such, and never tells us ANYTHING. Last night he "hinted" at her having something really serious and that she wasn't going to last 3 more months. However, he stopped talking before we could figure out WHAT is wrong.

I KNEW there is not enough money for a "decent" NH, and I only approached that as an EOL possibility. Bert screamed at me that I have been "ragging on him" for years about putting mom in a home. I couldn't even talk to him--he's so off the point. He INSISTS that ALL NH's are run by "18 and 19 yo kids who want to get into Nursing School and they routinely abuse and steal from the patients". I had to make the point that I KNOW several nursing homes and they are nothing like that. He said "This is what I do for a living. You don't know anything!!" (He's an EMT, spends 90% of his day taking pts top appts. So yes, he sees some cruddy places. But they are NOT all like that.)

He gets something out of this control he has over mother. He and his wife, both. One thing they do is keep the house locked tight. Many times I have gone to see Mother, I know she's home, but I can't get in the house. I used to know the garage code and I'd go in that way, but in gently asking for it last night, in the off chance I might need it, saying "what if I go up there and KNOW mother is home, nobody is home, what do you want me to do? Call 911?" Bert blew up again. He said it's illegal to call 911 on somebody's home w/o their permission. Said if I come up and she doesn't answer the door, to just leave.

Honestly, in retrospect, he is so mentally ill, I don't think he can think straight. His control over mother's life is sick--really. He will not inherit more than I do, or any of the other sibs. She doesn't pay for anything but 1/3 of the electric bill. She doesn't pay rent....(of note: he has 5 grown adult children living at home. Ages 19-31. He has terrified them all so much of the "outside world" they are all scared to leave. ALL of my kids were out of the house by 21, at the latest. I think this points to his need to control EVERYONE in his purview)

Also, we have NO WAY of knowing if what he says he does for Mother. She says he does next to nothing--but evidently if I do something (like make her lunch or do her dishes, she explodes at Bert and he has to deal with her wrath). This just sounds fishy to me.

Anyway, to answer one question--all the time he's yelling at me, the 3 other sibs are just sitting there. No support, just silence. I looked at my older sister during one tirade and said "You feel this way too?" None of the 3 admitted nor denied anything. Just sat there. (In fairness to my other 3 sibs, they are SO disinterested in mother, they don't even THINK about her. Literally. Also, they simply don't DO confrontation, Period. Something they inherited from Daddy. I'm considered to be super-hysterical by the rest of them)

Oh, being a 'fixer' and seeing a problem and not being allowed to do a single thing....

BTW-the first call to APS was some years ago and I believe it was a neighbor. Bert was almost hysterical over that one.

Still really sad and hurting today. I do not expect a text or email or a "are you ok?" message from anyone. Problem was solved. the 3 MIA sibs will make weekly visits. That is really all I was ever asking. For them to step up a little.

As for me, I am STEPPING AWAY.

Our family is fractured beyond repair. That makes me sad. And somehow, It's entirely my fault, again. How often is it that by trying to do the right thing, you make everything worse? Probably a lot.

Oh--one side note--my younger sis did get involved 2 years ago when mother was trying to get her surgeon to replace her other hip. Sister asked mother if she could go into the apt, which she agreed to. This came up last night--Bert turned on her and screamed at her that she had violated HIIPAA and she had no right to do that. She had NO RIGHT to be in that appt. Sis calmly replies "I work in risk management for the biggest hospital chain in the state. I know my laws. As long as mom said I could be there, I didn't violate HIIPAA." He shut up, fast, but was openly angry at her all night.

So--this is my family, I kinda hate Bert right now, quite a lot, but I'll get over it. Mother will die someday and it won't be on me. I did my best, this time, I completely give up.

Sorry for the very overlong post. Just ranting.
Helpful Answer (5)


He's mentally ill and he's an idiot besides .
Helpful Answer (7)

Midkid, I am so sorry the meeting didn’t go better. These meetings can be very effective provided you are dealing with rational people. Bert is not rational. I haven’t read all your posts so I don’t know the backstory on your family, but there had to be some disfunction growing up that was unaddressed for there to be so much disfunction now. I think there was something positive that came out of the meeting that there will be 3 new sets of eyes on the situation. Unfortunately they won’t be yours. I kept thinking about his sweet wife sitting there witnessing this tirade. What must her life be like? And your brother, Bert! It must be exhausting to be so controlling and angry! You have every right to resent and be angry with him, but in my experience people like Bert are very fearful of everything. They act like bullies, but they are afraid.
I agree with several posters here. As hard as it is, I would step back and let go for at least some time. Keep in touch with the other siblings and pray for your mother, as well as your brother. He needs it. What ever you would pray for yourself, - serenity, joy, faith, health, pray for him. This is more for you than for him.
I too, have a controlling older brother who has all the legal authority, who can also be abusive and bullying, though he reigns this in because he really needs our help in caring for both of our parents. I have to pray and ask for protection (not physical) and guidance before every encounter with him. In the last year I feel that he is losing the ability to stay on top of things due to the stress, yet he refuses to allow me to help with some of the legal, and financial matters. Be good to yourself in the next few days as you recover from this verbal attack. Your mind, as well as your body, needs time to recover.
Helpful Answer (6)

Thanks again--you are all truly saving my sense of self.

Barb--you must KNOW Bert--he IS an idiot and he IS mentally ill.

There is a history of abuse in my family, oldest brother, now deceased, sexually, physically and emotionally abused me, Bert, and now, I come to find out, my youngest sister. I mean, this was serious stuff, prison-worthy stuff.

I shoved it was down inside and self-hated. Bert ate himself to 400+ lbs, sister was promiscuous for years. None of those are good coping skills. Mother was "aware" of some of the abuse, but since we had a "picture perfect" family, we were told to shut up.

I only truly acknowledged that this had happened about 2 years ago, I am currently in therapy, working through these hard issues of self hate. I really do not know if I will live long enough to be "well"..and after days like yesterday--I feel that there is no hope. I'm SUPPOSED the be creating a support network--but all I've done is make people, including my own family, upset and unsure how to "deal" with me.

Sister at least got to confront brother and he DID apologize to her, before he died. She implied that the fact I am still getting therapy means that I am simply malingering and need to "get over it" as she says she did. Oldest sister asked her if part of the reason she married her last husband, who is almost 20 years her senior, is that she was looking for a father replacement. Who knows?

The 2 sibs who were "left alone" are speechless in the face of this. Their childhoods were free from the constant fear that living with a sexual predator brings.

Last night, Bert showed his true colors. He ranted, screamed, raved.....and effectively shut me down and out. I do NOT know why he picks on me to blame--he says he loves me, but he sure doesn't act like it.

In time, this too will pass. Hubby called from out of town today. I told him briefly what had gone on. He just said "Bert is so mentally ill, it's amazing he can hold down a job, much less function in the world." No words of solace, which would have been nice, but hubby doesn't DO emotions.

And yes, 3 new sets on eyes on the mother. I can step away and not be missed. I have done it before and I will probably spend the rest of my life alternating in and out of her graces. Since I cannot visit now w/o going through Bert, I will simply opt out of going to see mother at all. It was never me she wanted anyway. And I know now what the EOL plan is for her. And I know that Bert HAS to accept that there may come a time when he cannot be 100% in control, and will have to accept help for mother.

So our meeting did accomplish the few goals I had. Just really rough on me.

Thank you all so much---this too shall pass. Therapy tomorrow, which is always helpful. I'll work it out.
Helpful Answer (5)

It is because you are the truth-seeker, the peace-maker-and many other good things.

Liars, controllers, and abusers will come after you, thinking you are weak, but you are not weak.
Helpful Answer (3)

Midkid, thank you for sharing more of your story. Caregiving issues are difficult even among families that were not affected by the horrors you describe. I have often thought that it takes twice as much energy for people from severely disfunctional families to do life. It’s like ordinary tasks and problems are made harder by the weights we carry around with us. I am sorry you and your siblings did not have the most important thing that children need - security. Please do not believe the lie that you will never find healing in your life. My prayer for you is hope. You cannot fix the harm that was done to your siblings that is still manifesting itself today, but you can seek out and find healing for yourself. It is truly miraculous what can happen to a wounded family dynamic when one member starts to heal. May you have a restful sleep tonight.
Helpful Answer (2)

Just to put this post to bed...I appreciate all the advice and common sense approaches to the problem. You guys have saved my sanity!

Just returned home from an "extended" therapy session. My therapist is wonderful and amazing and always brings me back to "centered". She helped me to see that this is all Bert's problems, his inability to cope healthily in life and his weird co-dependent (Stockholm Syndrome?) relationship with mother.

The abuse that three of us suffered was horrendous. It doesn't define me. I am not a victim.'s still something I have to live with and deal with on a daily basis. Bert has not chosen to do so (therapy) as sister and I have, and he is still extremely angry at our abuser. Also at Mother for allowing it to happen (turns out, she DID know he was being abused and wouldn't let him continue therapy as a young teenager).

Who knows what his designs are? I sure don't. To make mother as miserable as he was/is?

It's just so sad.

I'm all done being angry, I am at peace. We accomplished what needed to be accomplished, despite Bert's ranting and raving.

I actually do know that I will find healing---it's a 3 steps forward, 2 steps back kind of therapy.....slow, but I am getting better. Someday, I hope to be well.

Thanks, again, for the support.
Helpful Answer (7)

Putting this post to bed, as requested by MIDKID!

So happy we all survived the meeting, the post-meeting meetup, and
then therapy was the best! Healing is on it's way to you! Thanks MidKid,
for letting us learn through you.
Helpful Answer (3)

Midkid, the sib meeting was definitely difficult for all. But, perhaps it provided a bit of insight into life with Bert and mom. I would have been surprised if the meeting went better. I think this is the norm for most families. It certainly was for mine. You have done what you can do. Now just try to detach emotionally from the should situation. It is not easy, by any means, but necessary for your own health. Best wishes to you and it sounds like you have a great therapist.
Helpful Answer (3)

(((((((hugs)))))) midkid. You are making progress. Your bro Bert is a very ill man. Protect yourself any way you need to.
Helpful Answer (4)

Again--thank you all so much. Last night was a sleepless one, as is often the case following a "serious" therapy session, so much gets stirred up.

BUT--I am going to be fine. Anger is de-escalated and I will have my hubby home this weekend to talk to (I ask him for 15 minutes of his time to let me vent, and then I really try to never bring up stuff like this again.) Going to hangout with some lovable grandkids today so their mama and dad can celebrate 19 years of marriage!!

Many, many thanks!
Helpful Answer (6)

Enjoy your hugs from your grandkids - it is probably the best medicine. I'm so glad you have an excellent therapist!!
Helpful Answer (3)

Many EMTs, and firemen are psycopaths and/or narcissistic . Your brother may be one or the other, or both since they get their kicks in seeing others in distress.

He made a scene because he had an audience, and "got off" on seeing the pain his antics caused you. Good for you for deciding to "Go your own way"
Helpful Answer (1)

I have actually heard this before. I know a lot of firemen, a few EMT's, and most the firemen I know are truly good people...but mixed in with that bunch, yeah, I can see it.

He most assuredly "got off" on screaming at me in front of shocked siblings. I did ask them if they knew he was going to do what he did and they all said they absolutely did not, and didn't agree with him. Well--nice, but could they have SAID something at the time. I think we were all blown away by his vitriol.

After the fact, he posted on FB that it was simply a "cleansing rain". I replied and called it a monsoon and defriended him. Cause I can.
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"Cleansing rain"? More like totally unwarranted acid rain.
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Well, your sibs got to see who is taking care of their mama. Maybe it's who she deserves.

In any event, you pulled the curtain back. You done good, kiddo. Step back and let the others do what they wish.
Helpful Answer (2)

unfriended - good for you. His behaviour is not acceptable.
Helpful Answer (3)

Cleansing rain?  More like a sociopathic tyrant had a temper tantrum to get his way, imo.
Blocked is good too.
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