For me, it is trying to stand back up from a squatting position. This physical movement seem to appear rather quickly. I have to have the cat litter boxes right next to a waist high cabinet so I can push myself up. So weird, as I used to be a gym rat for decades until I had to stop to help out my parents.
AND how much my "poop" schedule effects what I sign up for. On a cruise right now: kind of obsessed with pooping before I get off each day.
In particular, I believed that those who stayed active remained capable. Horrors! I had it backward: those who remain capable have the ability to be active! I have learned that even though I have stubbornly kept up my gardening, walking, housework, and exercises, there are some activities that have become more difficult, then impossible. My continued practice does not insure continued ability!
I can no longer get down on the floor--nor up from it. I must stoop and bend at the waist to deal with anything on the floor. I have my workarounds, but I am dismayed that I cannot do some of the things that I could still do at 60.
On the other hand, I have found that the level of contentment that I have in living the life I choose is much greater than at any previous time in my life. I am focusing more on short term and medium term goals. The joy I have in a clean house, flowers in the gardens, and dinner on the table are greater than at any time of my life. Old age has given me the gift of living in the present. I expect and hope that some measure of this continues for the next 15 or 20 years, assuming my longevity matches the family history.
What do you do now to maintain / develop yourself as you age?
What changes need to happen and what changes have you made?
What gets in your way of shifting with the moments of aging?
What new coping mechanisms have you put in place?
It feels like slack bread dough!
Also, it's soooo crepe-y!
And, I'm only 58! Gaaaah!
my clothes shrink at an alarming rate
my knees don't work the way they should and they make funny noises.
What I appreciate about getting older though...
I forgive more easily, why carry a burden that is unnecessary
I think I appreciate each day more now than I did years ago.
I realize that my Husband was one of a kind and I am glad he knew I felt that way.
I hear my deceased grandmother saying to me.. you r so lucky, you r young.... Now I understand her...being older takes more time to do things
My sister bought me one of those magnifying mirrors too but the last thing I want is to see myself that close up 🤣
It's good to not be someone's doormat.