My husband is my primary supporter and he is very good to me and for me but he has two instances coming up this summer and fall that he must be away from home for several days to almost two weeks. I live in Elkridge in a condo downstairs. When my husband is here, he assists me with moving my walker up the stairs and we go out to shop, eat or whatever is needed to do. I will be fine for the short term out-of-town trip he has in July but he will be gone either 10 or 11 days in August/September which I wondered if there was any program that might help me with getting my mail during that period. My balance is pretty good but I have not yet managed to climb the steps with my walker so I can climb the steps but cannot go forward because the walker is at the bottom. I really just need someone to come and retrieve my mail for me about 5 times while he is gone. Is there any group or service provided by your office that could help me with that need? Most of the other residents are renters and I do not know so many of them that I hesitate to impose upon them and wondered if there was an agency program that could provide that service for me. Donna F. H.
Have you thought about looking at a location that has more amenities for seniors and people with mobility issues? It seems like there aren't many resources in your area. I might consider my options.
Do you have someone you can call for yourself if you need help while your husband is gone?
Does the condo complex have a H.O.A.? If so, try calling them and inquiring about the help you are anticipating. I know my condo HOA has a maintenance staff and while they don't do this for everyone I know the maintenance man will help out residents from time to time.
Do you have a church community? I'm sure you'd be able to find some help there.
Try Meals on Wheels. They bring lunch everyday and if you sign up for the time your husband is going to be out of town they may be able and willing to get your mail each day when they come.
I'm acquainted with a few of my neighbors. At least on a "Hi, how ya doing?" basis. If any of them asked me to get their mail for them for 5 days I would be more than happy to do so. Consider asking a neighbor.
Talk to your post office. I work in home health and I've seen patients who have special arrangements with their mail. The mailman drops it at the door instead of in the box or something like that. The post office may be able to accommodate you.
It shouldn't be too difficult to find someone to get your mail for 5 days.