I’ve posted several things on here about my mother and our relationship. Here’s one that has never ended and keeps going, food issues. As an adult male, my weight and height are in check and my BMI is well within “healthy”. My waist is between 33-34 and most men’s health magazines consider a 34 inch to be “healthy”. Depending on her mood and how I’m dressed my mother can view me as Obese or Scrawny. Lately I’ve been scrawny so she’s trying to fatten me up. She recently asked me if I ate oranges as part of my normal diet. I told I don’t normally eat oranges. Her reply was “Well if you did I was going to order 25 pounds of them from the shopping channel”? Her next question about food was Asian spring rolls. “The next time they come on the shopping channel what kind do I like” I asked her how many was in a bag. The standard order is 100. Anyone else have this issue? How do you handle it? I’ve politely refused her food ordering countless times.
Your mother needs to be checked for dementia as soon as possible.
My mother is 94 with moderately advanced dementia & has obsessed about food for her entire lifetime. She had me in Weight Watchers, in fact, at 9 years old as the only child in a room full of overweight adults who had to wear pig masks if they stepped on the almighty scale & it God forbid said they gained 4 ounces. To this very day all she talks about is her weight, what's fattening and what isn't, how she shouldn't be eating dessert, and on and on, ad infinitum. The dementia hasn't enabled her to forget about her food obsession, unfortunately, or to comment on my appearance or on my husband's appearance or the size of her a** on any given visit.
I don't know how you should 'handle' this issue as I've been pretty bad at 'handling' my mother's extreme food obsession over the past 63 years of my life. I'd just try to ignore it I guess, unless you see that she's actually ordering all sorts of crap from the Home Shopping Network. Then refer to my comments above and see about disabling those channels entirely before her home looks like a hoarding den in short order.
Best of luck
I am with Geaton about ordering from the food channel. That would be a concern for me too.
Also, you can redirect her conversation when it veers into food topics. Just change the subject as if she didn't say what she did. If she persists, just keep doing it. If she has dementia, it would probably work. If she doesn't then she'd probably get the message. I used to do this with my MIL who could not stop talking about her health issues (for which there were solutions that she refused to try). I just kept changing the subject and then one time after a re-direct she stopped talking and just looked at me and I could see the lightbulb finally went on and she stopped bringing it up. Good luck!