I switched from a transit chair to one that is easier to push but the back wheels are so large that I am having trouble getting it into the car. It is a bit heavier and so cumbersome. I am 80 years old and afraid of hurting myself by lifting this chair into the trunk. Any advice as to making this chore easier ?
they are lighter than a regular chair
you will have to push the chair as it is not designed for the person to push the chair
but it will be easier to lift
if you want to get a lighter chair you will have to pay the difference
I have used a four wheel walker for many years
A few years ago Medicare changed the rules they would only pay for silver
Ysing a silver walker us difficult
you need to call and get an application your doctor will have to sign off on it
I paid $2.00 each way for my husband so for both of us the total round trip was $8.00
If that would be a hardship you can apply for a discount
The thing to remember is that they give you a window of time to pick you up at home and at your apartment
It can be an exhausting day,I always carried food and water for my husband
Is there a family member who could help out once in a while