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My mom love the Turner Classic Movie channel. I got her a subscription to their magazine. They send her a new one every month that shows all the movies that month.
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All of these suggestions are wonderful! So I dont have anything to add, but we also give my grandfather food items, music cd's,out time, try to take him out ( he rarely wants to go with us). He also loves to try to make his favorite dishes ( being blind is hard so the help for this is a gift in itself) Good luck :)
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I am not sure how many gifts Mom can accept because she has been on Medicaid since December 2013 for her assisted living care. I guess postage stamps are OK.
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Take them out or make them breakfast? Buy them the old Lawrence Welk dvd's, carol burnett, etc. Make them their favorite meals and freee so they can just microwave instead of cooking? Make them up some rice pudding or something to eat for desserts? Soft cozy blankets or new slippers with grip bottoms so they wont fall, new sheets, do their laundry, outdoor chairs? Good luck, been there!!! Everything I ever gave was returned back to me unless they could eat it, lol !
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How I wish I could cook, but everything turns out to be a science project that goes bad. If I called my parents and told them I would bring them something I cooked, they would lock the front door and pretend not to be home ;)
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CDs, DVDs are nice, but do you know what they already have? Trying to get our new system to switch from TV and then back again is such a hassle that we don't watch DVD's anymore. Kids used to get me CDs for everything until they finally learned that I don't have a CD player. We both love the lap blankets one d-i-l made for us. One of the best gifts we get is the daughter who shows up Sat afternoon to help put the clean sheets on the beds.
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I like fun food for the elderly (chocolate, cookies, cheese assortment, nuts, etc). some of my family members liked getting lottery scratch offs, mom likes word search books...the big ones from the book store. Any outing, to lunch, or anything they are still able to enjoy, dad loved a casino excursion.
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Gift certificate to their barber or beauty shop. Pay their cable bill for a month or two. Gift card at restaurant. Movies. (Netflix)
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Food, the kind of stuff they won't buy for themselves but love anyway. Fruit baskets, any thing consumable. Mom passed a few weeks ago and instead of doing the flower thing (of which there are plenty) I sent Dad, a box of favorite bulbs and gardening supplies, lots of stuff that they had at the family home that they had to move out of and stuff that Mom loved to, One of Dads greatest joys has been gardening so it served the purpose of getting him up and doing something and out doors, plus some time to reminisce .
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There is a lovely magazine called Reminisce that I send one year. It was not expensive and the pics are lovely of stuff from the 20,30, 40 and 50's. I found it in a nursing home lobby and got it for Dad. I live far away, but we have done "work days" in the past, to get a big project/repair done as well.
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Ferris, if you do ever get a walk-in tub, don't let that plumber install it! I love my tub, and if I turn into a prune it is because I turn the water jets on for a few extra cycles -- not because it takes a long time to drain. The pipes are bigger in diameter than a regular tub, and both the filling and the draining take less than you'd expect. I open the plug, stand up to wash and rinse my hair under the shower, and the tub is empty.

But a tub is not exactly a casual present! :)
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One more suggestion. Since they are in their own home, how about a bird feeder and maybe arrange with a neighborhood student to keep it filled. My parents have one at their assisted living facility that I gave them, and it became so popular, that the facility put them at various places. A group of students from the local elementary school fill the feeders twice a week.
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I love the bird feeder idea!!! what a wonderful way to also involved younger folks to be aware of the elderly. wouldn't it be great if we all looked out for one another in even the smallest sweet ways!!
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