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There are a lot of courteous things we do when we entertain guests; we usually at least attempt to be fully dressed and put together, we tidy up, we may even run a vacuum over the floors, and we get out the better glassware and cutlery if we are serving refreshments.
To me it's the same reasoning as not standing outside the bathroom door and having a chat while while someone is doing their business, some things are generally agreed upon as being private and toileting is definitely one of those things (I think someone receiving visitors in their bedroom is different because that is their private space).
Helpful Answer (6)
Cover99 Mar 2022
Not so private if farting sitting on the toilet Lol
You could stand a couple upright and put flowers in them as kind-of decoys? - it would make your guests less certain of what they are seeing with their own eyes.

I don't think you're being overly sensitive, but if your guests really can't find anything better to be scandalized or gossip about than well-maintained portable urinals they must lead blessedly sheltered lives.

I would draw the line at putting one on the dining table; and I have to state for the record that Best Practice (according to our continence care webinar last month) is to carry out all continence care tasks in the bathroom, right down to emptying catheter bags - I'm afraid there wasn't a single e-attendee who wasn't rolling eyes or cackling with laughter at this point, because if we told our clients they had to walk or be wheeled to the bathroom for this task when their soap opera's opening credits have just come on we would get very short shrift indeed.

I should play it by ear. If you have terribly fastidious people arriving, remind DH that although he is used to the urinals by now (and a very good thing too, be proud of him) they aren't and they might be a bit startled. And make sure he always has a small towel to drape over anything that needs draping over, too.
Helpful Answer (5)
Beatty Mar 2022
I hadn't read all the replies.. I see you beat me to mention being used as a vase on the table and possibility of sheltered guests, he he.
I think it would take something quite special to scandalize you after the tales you tell! 🤣
I'm kind of surprised DH would want urinals to be clearly visible when guests are in his home, frankly! Most people would want to have that matter kept private, as I know I would, since bathroom matters ARE private matters and why bathrooms have doors to close in the first place, right? This is not to say you are 'ashamed' of your DH in any way, certainly, just that you would prefer to keep private matters PRIVATE, and I can't say I blame you. It sounds like HE is the one who's 'overly sensitive' here, not you.

You don't say what conditions he suffers from in your profile. If dementia is at play, then that is a reason why your husband (DH) may be acting a bit 'odd' in this situation. If that's the case, then you may be best off going WITH his wishes rather than fighting him; stubbornness goes with the territory when dementia is present, so you'll need to learn how to pick your battles. Guests and relatives will need to understand his health issues when they come to visit.

If dementia is not a condition DH suffers from, then ask him why it's such a big deal to keep private bathroom matters private???

When my mother was incontinent and wearing adult briefs, the LAST thing she wanted was for the rest of the world to KNOW about it! On that line, maybe DH would prefer to wear a Depends when the guests are around? I'm not sure if that would eliminate the portable urinal situation entirely, but it may.

Good luck!
Helpful Answer (4)
Cover99 Mar 2022
Comical LOL. Reminds me of the lady that hid a recording device in men's stall so she could hear when they took a dump
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