My Mom died 7 years ago and I have a brother that had a bad car accident a year later. Dad has been so depressed. I have done everything I can for him everytime he went into the hospital and transitional care. I have an older sister that says she has her own family and not helped much. I finally asked my Dad to move on my side of town so I could help more. It has been great to have him close by, especially with all the trips to the doctor and hospital, going to the store for him, filling his pills and just going over more to visit. My two girls are the only ones that visit him. Now just last week I took him to the hospital with chest pains, they wanted to do another angiogram and he said no. He hasn't taken any of his pills for a year as much as I have tried. Now his heart is really bad and they want to send hospice care in. The Doctor says less than 6 months and he is back on medication. I filled his pills up and got all his perscriptions. He still isn't taking them and I have to stand over him and tell him half a dozen times to take them. My heart is breaking, I have been so close to him and my family are the only ones to invite him to everything. I don't know how to live without him. I am still so grief stricken over my Mom and brother. There is so much more to say, maybe I will write a book to help others. I would appreciate any prayer for my Dad, my family but me also to accept this and be strong. Thank you for reading my story. Cheryl