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I read your profile and WOW. What a hand you've been dealt over and over again. And yet you've prevailed.

I agree 100% about your experience with the VA. I went through something similar for my husband. It was a shockingly difficult, time consuming, and frustrating experience. Shame on the VA!!!!!

Glad at least that you divorced your husband, set up a trust to protect your assets - and I'm rooting for you to extricate yourself from the ex-husband situation pronto. Get out of this!
Helpful Answer (2)
Reply to LostinPlace

People have NO IDEA what is involved. They have preconceived ideas of "Senior Facilities" from 50 years ago, when facilities were seen as horrific medical prisons. I always heard, "Don't ever put me in a home!" from my Mother. My parents were both gone by the time I was 45, so I did not provide caregiving.

In my case, I was 15 when my Dad died, the Monday after the funeral, my alcoholic Mother took me to the bank, put me on the account, handed me her car keys and told me "Deal with it." She decided Dad was gone and she was DONE. I got stuck paying bills, grocery shopping, cooking, doing dishes and housekeeping while my older brother and younger sister did nothing, while Mom was passed out. By age 18, I was gone and never looked back!

I got to have 3 years of retirement, before I stepped in to help my Ex, who had no other family left, evicted from his own condo by his HOA. They were going to sell his condo and take his equity until I jumped in. We had become friends after the divorce, but with his mild cognitive issues, he became an entirely different person. He was disrespectful, lazy, dirty, has regular tantrums, or sits all day and watches TV, while I'm running around cleaning and doing everything else! I only expected him to be here 6 months, and it's approaching 3 years.

I hear the opposite judgements...What a great person I am, for saving a homeless combat veteran. I wish I wasn't such a great person and had my life back. I am trying to get better myself after falling off a cliff in Maui a year ago. Nothing like a Near Death Experience as a wakeup call.

I don't get any support, especially from the useless VA. I cut my 2 toxic siblings off 20 years ago, for their judgemental BS. I set up a Trust, so nobody will EVER have to caregive me. No way in hell will I allow myself to be a burden to anyone.

Most people are clueless and will never get it, until it happens to THEM. Don't worry because you have a heart. Be glad you aren't one of them.
Helpful Answer (6)
Reply to Dawn88

It really does boil down to pure ignorance on the part of these ill-informed folks that try to make you feel bad about doing right by your mom.
Don't waste one more minute caring about what they think as they certainly don't deserve any space in your brain.
Unless someone has walked in your shoes they have absolutely NO right to say anything. Period. End of sentence.
You have done a great job with your mom and are continuing to do a great job, so just tune out the few ignorant folks that may feel you want to hear their opinion.
Or better yet, next time someone says something, tell them that they are more than welcome to take your mom into their home to care for her. I bet that will shut them up in a hurry!
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to funkygrandma59

You say "Overall it has been very caring."
To be honest, that's good as it gets.
As to the judgement of others? Puh-leez. Judgement is cheap. And who cares.
You are correct. Mom is well cared for. And as to anyone who dares to speak judgement to your face tell them where to go, or shrug your shoulders and tell them you never met anyone so rude. Your choice. Or just move silently away from them.
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to AlvaDeer

Extended family is right about one thing, They are depressing!!!
Helpful Answer (1)
Reply to cover9339
funkygrandma59 Aug 26, 2024
See 4 more replies
My family and I have certainly felt the judgement rain down on us. I realized and reminded myself often it came from a place of ignorance and having never experienced or walked first hand where we were. There’s no cure for that except a person going through it themselves. Please feel no need to explain, apologize, or justify the decisions that were made. Silence truly is golden and often speaks far louder than anything else. You’ve done an amazing job looking out for your mom, she’s very blessed to have you, and that’s all you need to remember
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Daughterof1930

Well, here on this forum We Get It.

You've done an absolutely marvellous job getting everything set up for your mom. Well done!!

Seems like the comments you're getting are from people projecting the worries they have about ageing themselves. It's rude and offensive but they don't understand how these comments affect you. They're just blurting out their own fears for themselves. Think of goats bleating whenever you hear that bullcrap from others. Maybe you will even laugh out loud.

Try to limit your interaction with these folks for awhile and work on your own equilibrium. Don't let them rock your boat. Get more well deserved rest and do things that make you happy - forget about those swine. ;-)
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to LostinPlace
Anxietynacy Aug 26, 2024
Good answers! I have a feeling that this tread is going to last a while, we all have some very strong feelings on this matter.
People absolutely do not/cannot understand the full scope of the situation until they have gone through it themselves. Sounds like you were and are a caring daughter who only wants the best possible care for her mom. Don't give these others' opinions any weight; you didn't ask for their opinions and, again, they are speaking from their limited knowledge and what they 'think' they would do. Best wishes to you, your family, and your mom.
Helpful Answer (8)
Reply to YaYa79

I'm so sorry you are going through the guilt trip, from others.

This is not right, I've been though similar things.

It's usually because of there own fears of growing old going into AL. People fear it so much. My fear is more being a burden on my kids. It's just so wrong.

I just hope that society changes in this, and stops putting so much stress on adult children.

You could tell them , if they are so saddened by it, then why don't you let her come live with you?

I am absolutely sure you are busy enough running around doing everything your mom needs to be done.

You really just have to get hard, harden your feelings. I have a friend that calls me occasionally, and occasionally I answer, because I know I'm going to get " how's your mom, 😕. Do you really think she should be alone as much as she is"
I have learned to cut her of before it even starts, and be extremely firm in my stance, and leave no room for her to say anything else. Last time she actually said to me, well , I'm so worried about growing old and my kids won't take care of me. I told her well, get your s*"+ together now well your younger, so you don't become a burden on your children. That's exactly what I'm doing! Actually it's been a bit since I heard from her.

I think you just have to get though, and confidence, and if your second guessing yourself. Say over and over. I'm doing the best that I can , I'm doing everything I can do for mom,
Helpful Answer (5)
Reply to Anxietynacy
Anxietynacy Aug 26, 2024
If I had more support from friends, I don't think I would of gotten so burnt out. It's just a Shame
See 1 more reply
There is no stigma attached to securing the best possible care for your mother. Why do you buy into that? Anyone trying to manipulate you into feeling bad about it is 1: Not a friend and 2: Just plain ignorant. Tell them to mind their own business. You may want to figure out why you care what these people say and think. That’s actually the problem.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to RLWG54
lealonnie1 Aug 26, 2024
I ran myself ragged doing things for my folks in AL, in reality. People think we "dump" the old folks off at the door and say ta ta, which is laughable, really.
I just never spoke with ignorant people who didn't realize mom and dad were fortunate enough to have the financial means to live in an Assisted Living place that looked and felt more like a hotel than a fancy apartment building with caregivers and nurses on staff 24/7. Until a person walks a mile in your shoes, they have no business passing judgement on ANYTHING. Most of them are afraid of their own impending mortality than anything else, imo. Or feel it's their "right" to move in with their poor children who should devote THEIR senior years to changing Depends. Regardless they're not equipped or qualified TO care for their parents and will get no social stimulation or activities, while the "children" turn their living rooms into a nursing home! My folks had a great time in AL, truth be told.

Ignore the armchair critics or ask them when THEY are stepping up to care for your mom? You'll never hear another comment again, trust me! 🤣
Helpful Answer (16)
Reply to lealonnie1
Anxietynacy Aug 26, 2024
I actually had a "friend" that said I did everything I could for my dad!" I said to her, yes you did, for a whole 3 months, I'm going on year 4. When you do 4 years of caregiving a loved one let me know how it goes.

People are really so awful about this.
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I had three in AL at one time, Me, I could care less what other people think. I am not in this world to please everyone.

I never bought up my LO's in AL so it was not on the table for discussion. My family could care less as long as they did not have to do anything.

What others think about me is not my business.
Helpful Answer (12)
Reply to MeDolly

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