I have a Zoom hearing on Tuesday, the person who was at my house and removed was put on some anti Parkinson's psychosis meds so I guess she wants to come back.
My knee jerk reaction is to just tell the judge he is stupid to even consider it because she can do nothing for herself, I do not like the person and it is my house so F*ck Off because her "wants" means nothing to me.
Well, cannot say that. How do I explain that even though she is "vulnerable" she is not independent and is a burden I can no longer deal with even in a minimal capacity?
I guess she will have to be allowed to crash and burn again?
Why ANY of these folks live with you I can't figure.
Stacy, this was my worst fear for you. I do not see how a Judge can force a person not related to you into your home. I do believe I would appear and CALMLY speak of all the money she hasn't paid for rent, that was removed from pillows with her last admission. I would CALMLY bring up the fact she accused and saw someone convicted for theft of a ring when that ring was in her pillow. I would CALMLY say that I will have ZERO to do with her if she returns to her living quarters, and the sad crash-n-burn will come even more quickly this time.
So that is where I start at. If there is something I am missing, then I guess I am missing it.
I would maintain my cool in front of a Judge or this will go south real quick.
So, there is a snowstorm here so I have been stuck inside all day. Warming up chili. Well, M's phone went off, I mean it is on the counter next to the stove. Its his brother who, uh, I have been told he is not speaking to and hasnt for years. Well, uh, not so much when I kinda glanced at the call history. Ok, shady but not so much. I just threw the phone at him and said wtf y are you talking to that POS. I am pissed and I am at anxiety attack where your hand goes numb.
I cannot do this again.
Edit: I just walked outside and they are scheming how to get her back. Saying well I can call the agency and set up so specific worker comes back. Now, I guess, I know I am on my own.
Let us know how it goes.