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^..^ ^..^ Two cats.
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Older, but not necessarily wiser, caregiving has changed the way I view life:
I am much more cynical now.
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Fregflyer, what about asking dt's wives? When he announced, gave his financial status after being fired by Serta after donald counting the sheep commercial, I had two questions: Aren't you worried your ex-wives will ask for more alimony? And two: Quoting the last line in the commercial: Donald says to the sheep: "Where's your dignity?"
Donald talking to sheep, get it?
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Gershen, "Are you comfortably fending for yourself so that you won't become a burden?" may well be the next question the paramedics ask, right after they ask,
"You have a dnr, your wife is screaming 'save my husband!', and if the patient could answer, the paramedics are there, because???!!!!
Serious situations require serious humor, put in a way that serious circumstances can be planned for ahead of time. I appreciate your humor, Gershen.
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The perfect husband maryring the perfect wife does happen... ask Donald Trump :P
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Sorry, just cannot be serious on a Saturday evening.
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Windy, Are you kidding? Your ex-wives probably think you are the perfect husband, now that you're divorced.

No, really, on a more serious note, don't you think a perfect husband should be married to a perfect wife, or does that just not happen?
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Yes....Lots of stress and pressure when you're a perfect husband. That's what God made beer for. Although my 2 ex wives may not agree with the perfect husband remark........
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Hiring a chef, now that would be excellent!
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Case in point: We could enjoy swordfish, grilled-on-the-hibachi, tonight for dinner, but I am not going to ask that he clean it. That would be too hard because it got rusty left out in the rain.
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Guess I'll go try and burn something for lunch now.
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Fregflyer, Never thought of doing that on purpose, cause I too have had to eat the same meals all these years. When someone starts a thread about cooking 3 meals a day and they are tired, I understand!
Love joking around with all of you! Think now that I am in over my head and regret playing with Windy, cause there will be hell to pay, he'll have a really great snappy comeback, and I already feel guilty for asking my husband for help, now that I just cannot do it all myself.
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Sendme2help, wish I knew about that decades ago... I would have started burning dinners and messing up meals so that someone else would do the dreaded cooking. How clever.
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Windy, apologies in advance, should never joke about something as serious as marriage.
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Garden, the artist: Just thinking how many drugs and how expensive it is for the wife to take enough drugs to tolerate begging your husband to do things instead of hiring out those chores? There must be a better way. Like sharing the chores, sharing the beer?
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Windy, The drugs you mention as a possibility would be too expensive vs. the cost of hiring out 'the things your wife wants you to do'. Since your wife is not stupid (evidence: she married you), she is probably using some sort of 'behavior modification' to get you to do things for her.
As a wife, I never used behavior modification because I found that asking a man to do anything he doesn't want to do results in a really messed up job with broken things and other damages. Men are really smart too.
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Hmmmm.. she's got you cooking, doing dishes, cleaning and (gasp!) doing laundry? That's a sure sign that you've been drugged.

I wonder if your wife can adapt it to elders.

Come to think of it, I'd like a Neighbor Compliance Drug as well.
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Windy, when you find out, bottle it and you will be a multi-billionaire :)
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Send, you may be on to something. Maybe the wife has discovered a "Husband Compliance Drug" and she's sneaking it in my beer! That's got to be it cause I'm constantly finding myself doing crap I don't want to do. There can be no other answer. So I'll post this question: HOW CAN I TELL IF WIFE IS DRUGGING ME TO MAKE ME DO STUFF....
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Just hope there was cheese on that burger.
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SendMe, I'll bet she promised him beer!
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Windy, what did your wife drug you with when you went on that long hike?
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Hey, you already worked off all the beer with the long hike you took.

But you're right - caregiving makes you appreciate the small, every day things.
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I'm in the groove up here......Wife drug me on long hike, feet killing me, just started on second beer, having huge greasy burgers for dinner, followed by big bag of dark chocolate M & Ms. Wife just came up hill from barn, made sarcastic comment about beer consumption, I'm full of beer so don't care, getting up now to make salad to go with burgers before wife does bodily harm.

Wait! What is this thread anyway? Ok... Had to scroll up to look.

Caregiving has changed my life by appreciating times like this when for a few moments, I'm not thinking about caregiving. But now I'm worried about moms cardio test......One more beer won't hurt.
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freqflyer: That's right-David Bowie is not that old. LOL!
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I want to live too but only as long as I can still fend for myself comfortably without being a burden.

I guess that will be next on the list of questions paramedics ask. I can see it all now. "Are you comfortably fending for yourself without being a burden to others?"

Sorry I shouldn't joke about this. Humor is what gets me through life.
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I prefer dark chocolate.
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When I learned about the FILE OF LIFE that paramedics look for on the refrigerator for medical history, list of medications, and a possible DNR, then found out that most patients do not fully understand the DNR, some planning for my husband and I was put into effect.
Each of our FILE OF LIFE (written in red), reads: " I W A N T T O L I V E !!! "
But then, it's too soon to tell.
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While Death by Chocolate sounds like a very tasty way to go, I could see Death by Massage.

For me, that would be a very relaxed way to go. I could put together a whole movie of my life of times when I remember getting a massage at various places and in different styles with the closing one being a massage style that I've discovered rather recently. And it is like they say to die for.

The Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy puts the Swedish Deep Tissue Massage Therapy style to shame.

I would write the closing scene with my getting such a massage and at that point where you usually reach the deepest feeling of relaxation; all of the warmth of your body goes to your core before feeling new warmth spreading throughout your body and in that deep serene state just passing away. Now that would be something.
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Death by Chocolate - I like it, and what could be a better way to go?!

Sounds like a movie in which Hercule Poirot or Jessica Fletcher could star.

There was a cooking show by that name - the chef was Marcel de Saulnier and the desserts he created were out of this world.
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