During the day he won't sit for more than 5 min. Up and down. My sister and my mother are looking after him. He was hospitalized recently for a UTI and is much worse since returning home. Sometimes he is rather clear and other times not. Last weekend he spent two hours w/me in the yard doing gardening and even helped me a bit. Still didn't sleep at night. Yesterday the same thing. I played bingo with him for an hour and a half which just consisted of him turning the wheel while the numbers rolled out and then doing it all over again. My mom and sis aren't getting any sleep either. My mom is 82 and she cannot watch dad by herself. I work but am there as much as I can be.
It was suggested that I give Mother valerian and she woke up with vivid hallucinations. I won't do that again. The other thing I gave her is melatonin. It worked pretty well, but caused a sleep hang-over the next morning. Some people fall asleep more easily after drinking a cup of chamomile or cat nip tet.
Best wishes..
to be so good whit him it can be very hard to see a rock of a person become in need great job god bless you