My mother has multi infarct dementia, egpa, liver cirrhosis and copd, and isnt terribly aware of her state or her other disorders that require care. She hates the facility though and keeps trying to escape. Shes hits staff, tried to run them over with her walker then forgets shes done this. She calls the police to get them to take her home. Every other time I talk to her she repeats I hate you, im ashamed of you, and Im cutting you out of my will and your a terrible human being for making me a prisoner. She has cluster b personality disorder(s) which have been exacerbated. I keep trying to impress on her this is a nice place she has her own apartment and the only other option is a locked memory care unit or geri-psych unit which wont be as nice. I tell her i can bring her whatever she needs and the staff will take out to lunch with friends or to a bookstore and they have outings as well she wont go on or talk to anyone on the floor. We put up her pictures to make her feel at home but she just took them all down and piled them by the door because she’s leaving. She’s making herself miserable. Shes pushed the people she knows away and many arent taking her calls anymore because she tries to manipulate everyone into taking her home or screams at them. I try to empathize with her that it must be hard missing home and I also try to distract her which works for maybe thirty seconds and I absolutely hate seeing her like this and was wondering if anyone had any tricks to improving attitude when a dementia patient is stuck on a negative loop. What might help her settle in?
There's nothing you an convince her about. A nice room? Nope. I don't think so.
I would watch a whole lot of Teepa Snow Videos to get an idea how to attempt to communicate best with the very demented.
You aren't responsible for happiness, and in fact, happiness for her is now a thing of the past. It won't return. And peace will come only with death. Those are the difficult truths.
Stop thinking of this in terms of "normal life". That is done where she is concerned. I am so very sorry. It is difficult to stand witness to.
Most of us who grew up with dysfunctional parents learned early on how to be people pleasers to keep the peace.
My reaction to adult tantrums and threats is to ignore them. When she starts on her tirades, hang up. As a nurse told me once when I was on a case, don't accept disrespect.
Realize your mother is in a safe place getting three hots and a cot. If she is hitting and abusing staff, the next step would be a psych ward for medications to calm down this behavior. What more can you ask for. She had round the clock service with aides and other professionals. There is nothing you can do to make things better for her. Sorry to tell you, this is good as it gets for her.
I've reached a point that I can keep a person comfortable in bed and provide care to a certain extent, but when the abuse starts, I'm out. I'm not going to stick around to be slapped, bitten or kicked. This is when I detach emotionally and just make sure this person is not going to harm themselves, and I refuse to let them harm me in the process.
If she's not on meds for her agitation/anxiety, why not? Even if she refuses to take them she can be held in a psych wing until she does. My cousin was held for about a month and then she finally relented. It is merciful to get meds into her. She can no longer bring her own self to a mental/emotional state of acceptance, so the meds are necessary.
I also wonder why she still has a phone? She's only using it to cause chaos. Take it away, at least until she calms down.
Dementia robs people of their reasoning and logic skills, so it is pointless to try to convince or impress anything upon her — you will wear yourself out trying. Dementia also robs people of their ability to empathize with others. Time and meds is what most likely will help her settle in.
There comes a time in are aging parents life that we just have to let go, or it will destroy are mental and physical health, we will ruin are healthy relationships, friends, job , the list goes on...
This sounds to me like , it's time, past time to do that. When your talking to mom , your not talking to the mom that raised you your talking to a very sick person.
There really is nothing more you can do for her. On top of the dementia, the liver and all the health issues cause more brain issues on top of it.
I feel your pain, unlike your mom my mom is aging at home, to make a long story short , I have no control, brother has it all. I visited yesterday and moms cold, her body can't control the heat anymore. She has the heat on 68, because that's where my brother wants it. My brother will have a fit if she turns the heat up.
So should when I leave feel sad,depressed have debilitating anxiety? I have no control, mom won't care what I say only what my brother says. So I can't bring this home and let it distory me. I have to move on, I have to make my own life, no matter how much it hurts, and stuff that inside me.
I have no control, which at this point you do not either.
Read the serenity prayer, a person of faith or not, that pray says it all.
There is very little you can do to help mom right now, and keep your sanity at the same time.
Very sorry for this
I’m going to agree with your brother on this one. I’m on meds that make me hot and so I can’t go visit my MIL because she keeps her house on 75. Her house, her rules, but when I go over there If feel like I will throw up because it’s so hot.
Best of luck to you.
If you click on your initials in the top right corner and click Profile, it will take you to your messages.
Long and short - there is little you can do to help her settle. Cluster B personality disorders almost always exacerbate dementia.
Best of luck - and I'm happy to chat in messages if you like.
Is Mom considered terminal? Are these meds just prolonging the inevitable? If so, why not get Hospice involved. All the life sustaining meds will be stopped. Only those for comfort will remain. No more doctors or poking and prodding.
Why are you disregarding her cluster B mental illnesses?