He needs seven teeth extracted for new upper and lower dentures. As his wife and caregiver I do not know if he can withstand oral injections much less the amount of pain, and pain meds. Has anyone had similar situation?
I have been preparing soft food but existing denture and partial cannot be repaired. Appreciate any insight. He will need medical clearance from Primary Care and Cardiologist. However, I have found more advice and answers here.
My mother had a heart murmur and her doctor always prescribed her antibiotics before any kind of dental work, even teeth cleaning.
He used an oral surgeon and a dentist for the dentures. It was one of the best things he did for himself, his overall health improved because his teeth were rotten and causing perpetual infections. He felt sooooooo much better after the procedure.
A good oral surgeon will do his teeth in no time, with minimal trauma and they will probably do some stitches if needed to ensure no dry socket.
I am praying that you find a top quality oral surgeon and your husband is done with this likety split.
Remember, lots of ice cream the 1st week to reduce swelling and help pain. My dad got 3 milkshakes a day and sipped on those to get through the discomfort and he only took tylenol a couple of days. No additives, just creamy ice cream.
I am a little concerned about the answers you have received about having multiple teeth out in one sitting. This is fine if the teeth are "solid" nicely straight, and not affecting bone and even worse putting infection into the sinuses. However if teeth are rotten the chance of extracting them in one piece is very reduced - this means the dentist/dental surgeon has to hunt around to find every tiny piece that did not come out. Also if he has had teeth which have damaged the gum and bone area this can regrow round the tooth and into any destroyed area (particularly is it is a tooth that may have had work e.g. a root canal done at some time in the past). If he has any of these problems then the extractions can take a very long time to do. There is a lot to consider with a dental surgeon in addition to the anesthesia, and after care. But as others have said infection can in itself be dangerous to the health of other organs. I think you have the right idea and the three medics concerned need to have some conversations so that you can hear all the options and decide on the way forward you think your husband will cope with best.
It is nice to know that there are some professionals that will do what is best for the patient.
Hope all goes well for the refund!