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Get yourself to Urgent Care in the morning if you don't have a regular doctor.

If you have a PCP that you see for your regular health care, call her/him in the morning and ask what to do.

Taking action and having a plan will decrease your fear. (((((Hugs)))). Let us know what you find out.
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It’s not that I am a hypochondriac - it’s that I’m a worse case scenario thinker.

When I was a little girl I’d tell my mother that I had a headache and she would reply “I hope it’s not a brain tumor”. So, I come by this way of thinking somewhat naturally.

Much like you - when I have some out of the blue symptom rather than going to a doctor right away, I tend to ponder all the options. Or
worse yet - I start googling. And, of course - all the worse case scenarios are what I self diagnose.

Next - I decide that I’m just going to ignore it all cause it will go away by itself. Right? Because I refuse to deal with the stress that having a catastrophic illness would bring. Yeah - wishing it away or ignoring it is sooo effective.

Eventually, I wind up getting myself to the doctor - only to be diagnosed with something ridiculously minor and easily treatable. This - after days or weeks of worrying myself sick, all the while pretending that I’m not worried or have event spent any time at all thinking about it. My google history says different.

What is it that actually gets me to stop thinking about where I want my ashes scattered and motivates me to haul my dying azz into see a doctor?
The simple, common sense fact that IF - a big IF - IF it is anything scary or serious at all - the sooner it is identified, the sooner I can begin treatment and the greater my odds are at beating whatever IT is.

I am absolutely not saying that I believe you have anything serious to worry about. This spotting could be as simple as a UTI - as others have said. But whatever IT is - wouldn’t it be a relief to just find out and stop the wondering?
Helpful Answer (3)
anonymous1000462 Jan 2020
Thank you, I plan to call and get it checked out. I don't have a husband or anyone except some friends for support.. And it is just fear that I have and I think the worse. But you are right that way I don't have to keep wondering.
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It could be a lot of things. Go see a doctor.
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UTI's cause chills. You need to see your doctor so he can test your urine.
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If you have the chills, I would be inclined to go to the ER myself instead of waiting to get in to your
PCP or OBGYN. It can be any number of things & you need to be seen by a doctor.
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Please see your doctor You need a professional to find out what is going on. It may be as simple as a yeast infection or something more complex. Anything anyone can say here is pure conjecture. You need to face your fears and find out, Is there any reason you have not gone other than out of fear of what it might be.
Helpful Answer (2)
anonymous1000462 Jan 2020
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