
I just purchased a home in Indiana, currently in Chicago. My 94 year old Mom is in a "skilled nursing" facility in Chicago. To say they are useless is a gross understatement. Every day, yes I'm there every day, I find a new bruise, her left in unsanitary conditions, in need of medication, etc. This happens when they know I'm coming every day after work. I cannot imagine the lack of care for those who have no visitors. They are grossly understaffed.

My question is, as I plan to bring her "home", which I know she desperately wants, how do I go about getting, and paying for, qualified in home care?

Mom is currently on Medicaid, in Illinois, I don't know anything about the process as the nursing facility took care of the paperwork. I don't know how Indiana Medicaid will work, or if she'll automatically qualify since she's been on Illinois Medicaid. I've read a bit and it seems Indiana has a better in home care option for Medicaid patients, than Illinois. I'll have a room, on the first floor since my Mom is bed/wheelchair bound, for my Mom and an extra bedroom upstairs for a full time caregiver. I need to continue to work to pay the mortgage, etc. I'd prefer to stay home with her, I know the state will pay for this but the rate they pay will not pay for the homes cost. My Mom does get a small pension from my father's previous employer as well as a small social security payment. I know we can use this but it will decrease the amount available from Medicaid. This money currently goes to the facility where she is located.

Is there an organization that will guide me thru this process, preferably non-profit? Has anyone done something similar? My Mom had a major stroke 3 years ago, she was recovering, starting to talk, using her strong side, even getting feeling on the damaged side, then her private insurance and Medicare ended. Now on Medicaid she gets very little besides basic care.

I believe a "caretaker" would suffice for the daily stuff, bathing, changing, dressing & feeding (thru a g-tube) and that I'd also need an RN or Nurse practitioner to visit daily for vitals, blood draws, etc.. What I really need is someone to walk me thru the process, making sure I'm doing what's best for Mom and that I'm doing everything correctly.

I've been thru enough care taking, she lived with me for about 18 years prior to this stroke, to know the basics, i.e. doctor's visits, hospital bed, specialized air mattress, wound care supplies, on and on. I haven' t moved her from a facility to home! It's always been on my mind, since she first went to a facility in January of 2016. Now that bringing her home is a real possibility I'm feeling more than slightly overwhelmed.

Any advice, stories of a similar experience, contacts in Indiana, Valparaiso to be exact would be appreciated.

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I've already complained to the state. This is why I want to bring her home.

From what I've researched, although medicaid doesn't transfer from state to state the day after you become a resident of a state, at least Indiana, you can apply /qualify for medicaid. There is also a federal mandate stating whatever care a person qualifies for in a nursing home, they should also qualify for in their home (this is a fairly new ruling).

I'm comfortable giving her tube feedings, etc., which I can do prior to and after work. I need a care taker during the day, while I'm at work, or possibly live in if they are looking for room & board.

I'm looking for someone familiar with Indiana medicaid laws and possibly a good in home caretaker referral. I know going thru an agency is way more expensive and many caretakers are referred by previous clients.

Indiana also offers a small monthly stipend to family members who stay home to care for a family member, this won't work as the stipend wouldn't cover anything near my salary or my monthly bills.

As you can see, I've already done a bunch of research. There are questions I haven't been able to find answers to online. I'd like to bring my Mom home as quickly as I can after my move. So, I'm looking for someone with experience in this area.
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Your main problem is Medicaid does not go over state lines. Even though they are Federally funded, they are State regulated and each state has their own rules and regulations. Your Mom may not be able to get help thru Indiana because she is not a resident. Your best choice may be moving her to a facility closer to you in Illinois.

Mom being a Medicaid patient should have nothing to do with her care. Staff is not told who is and who isn't Medicaid. Or shouldn't be told. You can call your State Ombudsman and report the NH she is in now.
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