Since 2015 I've been a full-time live in. Each time his sister calls which is not a lot, they never ask to speak with me concerning him. This gentleman is hard of hearing and not much is understood on his end. Should I call back, which I have several times, and continue to ask if they have any questions for me or am I just starting something? When I call them and ask, they seem dumbfounded. I really don't know what to think.
If they have questions about his health or anything “private” they need to ask him.
You should be keeping a log or journal as to day to day events. This can be shared if necessary with whoever is POA.
I do feel I have to comment on your profile.
He should be paying you. Living in a room in his house is NOT pay for the care you are giving.
It does not matter that you may inherit property. There is a very good chance that any Will will probably be contested.
I truly think you need to discuss this situation with an attorney
Just keep doing a good job with this gentleman, and let him know that at least you care about him, as it's obvious his sisters do not.