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Actually serving the food you usually make is hysterical. And I would do it with a straight face
Helpful Answer (36)

Tell them to pick up two buckets of Kentucky Fried Chicken with the sides or don't bother coming at all! They can find a KFC near your house so the chicken doesn't go bad. 

Vent away, you have jerks for family-as so many of us do too.
Helpful Answer (21)

So you are expected to throw a party for your siblings on Father's Day.
Call the local restaurant that has food that your Dad likes (and that you can grind up or mush up) and have them deliver it--Village Inn, Wendy's, McDonalds, Pizza Hut, whatever. Buy a cake from the grocery store or an Ice Cream Cake from Dairy Queen. Pizza is fine also. Get paper plates and heavy duty plastic silverware. Put a plastic tablecloth on the table. THAT's IT! DONE! You have a party!

If your Dad has a scheduled time that he lays down after dinner or supper, then follow his normal schedule. Don't make too many changes just because your siblings want to have a party. Take care of Dad and if your siblings stay too long.--Just tell them "I'm tired and Dad is tired and we are going to go lie down for our afternoon nap." and then do so. Or if it is evening and your siblings decide to stay too late, get your Dad & yourself ready for bed at the same time that you always do and tell your sibs "Good Night".

Take care of yourself and your Dad on Father's Day. Let your siblings take care of themselves--they always have and always will--take care of themselves and only themselves. God Bless.
Helpful Answer (29)

Lol, well you all gave me support and a bit of a chuckle! Thanks ❤️ I would love for each of them to either take him for a long weekend so I can have a staycation or stay here with him so I can escape. They have all given me an excuse but I may gave to insist upon it.
Helpful Answer (32)

Or you could serve the food you usually make - bland and mushy.
Helpful Answer (71)

No judgement at all - just big hugs and hopes that things get better for you soon.
Helpful Answer (21)

It's astonishing to me that siblings who bear none of the responsibility for caregiving just merrily cruise into town and expect to be treated like visiting royalty. And, have no hesitation to put the extra burden of cooking and entertaining on the shoulders of the already exhausted caregiver. Your sister sounds like a total jerk. I agree with those who said that your siblings should at least pick up something along the way. There are lots of things they could bring that could survive 2-3 hours in the car. It's not like they're coming from hundreds of miles away and would have to keep the food fresh while staying overnight in a hotel. It's just a cop-out, and shows how totally clueless they still are.
Helpful Answer (34)

I would tell them they have no idea how difficult it is being a caregiver and if they want to eat anything they should bring it. Your offering is having them see their Dad on fathers day.
Helpful Answer (33)

No judging here - just support. Your sister has an attitude. Throw something in the crockpot, tell PIA and siblings they're responsible for a green salad and dessert. There's no reason (but laziness and lack of concern for anyone) for them not calling a restaurant and arranging take out for the family so you don't have to cook.
Helpful Answer (35)

You go girl. (or guy)

Shout and scream all you want here. NO ONE will judge you for it.
I don't supposed you could suddenly be 'bedridden' while they are here? Probably not? But one can dream (I am wicked lol)

Take care of yourself and 'white noise' the others unless they are helping in some way. Which doesn't sound very likely.

We have your back here. Take care of your self and do not be a stranger. Hugs
Helpful Answer (30)

guarantee your sibs would better understand if they had to stay with dad for a complete day.
my mom used to complain about my dad when they were still living at home. then she fell and broke her hip. was away from dad for few weeks (hosp/rehab)
during that time. my sister and I took turns staying/caring for dad. (had alzheimers)

WOW what an eye opener.

I don't know how my mom did it.
I knew my mom was struggling a little. and I made sure I visited a lot and checked on them.
my mom (even at that point I hadn't grasped the complete problem they were getting ready to crash and burn) She was having her own medical issues(beginning dementia)

but staying with my dad alone for the day. and then spending the night. was super stressful. JUST VISITING DOES NOT give you a complete picture ! and both my parents seemed to know how to cover up and seem totally in control.

so I wouldn't judge you at all! completely understand

reading what you sister tells you makes me angry. :(
Helpful Answer (41)

Toller vent away.. I can't believe they can't pick something up on the way? Like stop at the local grocery and grab a salad or something? How about they take you both out for FD? Your sister sounds like a PIA.
Helpful Answer (38)

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