I am DPOA for an old friends father..both sons are in prison for meth/drugs. One son took over and used his dads checks to further his and adopted sons drug dealing. Bio-logical son went to prison 1 year after my friend/the deceased wife passed..adopted son did the same thing and went to prison and gets out next year. I and my son took over as caregivers and DPOA almost 2 yrs ago now and have DCF in Florida calling us in the middle of the evening every..and I mean every 3 to 6 months and have anonymous calls being placed for elder abuse.. My friend is an 81 yr old vet who came from state of abuse to I have my independent life back yet, it breaks his and our hearts every time these calls come in knowing its his boys in prison wanting him in a nursing home if he wont give them what they want..this is our 6th dcf visit in 2 yrs.. what can my son and i and our friend do to stop these anonymous threats every other month when we have already complied with all parts of the law..we just want to live in peace and enjoy the time we have with our friend without him being put threw the state circus everytime one of his sons get mad that dad wont support their habbits any longer. we are happy and adjusted to our new lives continue school and blessed to have him safely with us.. but the stress of it all is taking its toll on all parties..most importantly..our friend.. do we need a lawyer to stop the constant Florida dcf 800#reports from interrupting our lives. We have sheriff and va clearance and yet again a 800#report was made and we cant go to mass in the morning because we have another interview/check.
3shortmen/lost and confused.
Anyone reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability. Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or counsels another to make a false report is guilty of a felony of the third degree punishable by up to five years in prison. In addition, the department may impose a fine not to exceed $10,000 for each violation. Each time that a false report is made constitutes a separate violation. A false report is a report of child abuse, neglect or abandonment or adult abuse, neglect or exploitation that is made to the central abuse hotline which is not true and is maliciously made for the purpose of:
Harassing, embarrassing, or harming another person;
Personal financial gain for the reporting person;
Acquiring custody of a child or vulnerable adult; or
Personal benefit for the reporting person in any other private dispute involving a child or vulnerable adult
Section 39.205, Florida Statutes (F.S.) states what the department has to do concerning false reporting for children and Section 415.111, F.S. addresses with false reporting for adults.
You can also find an attorney at minimal cost through law school clinics...so if there is a law school by you, then call to ask when they do PRO-BONO clinics.
Pro-bono means "for the public good" and they are free although they may be limited to what can be done but it's a place to start. Good luck.