My husband is legally blind (diabetic retinopathy into macular degeneration final stage). His vision has gotten tremendously worse in the last six months. He is an amputee who uses a walker for balance. He's in his late 80s. He also has hearing issues so does not key on sounds that indicate the closeness of walls, etc. Has anyone out there faced this problem? He is suddenly very unsure of his physical location and how to proceed and is now taking tiny steps because he is uncertain. Do you know of any "feelers" or other devices that can be mounted to his walker to assist him with distance?
I have a relative that cannot always manage to walk safely (other reasons) when away from home. Physio assessment conclusion: Standby supervised walking was now required ie not just supervised from a few metres away but standing right beside to guide. It was a big drop to independence.
I am sorry but I cannot think of any other solution for your husband than Standby Supervision. Or maybe?.. he will start to rely on memory?
I'm not sure of the name of the American association for the blind but they may be able to help with any training and adaptive devices that might help, an assessment of your home by a regular occupational therapist could be useful as well.