My dad lives about 4 hours from me. For now, he wants to stay in his home. He has a caregiver 3XS a week come check on him. Has anyone put in video cameras. I think this is becoming a necessity. Lots of times, I can't reach my dad by phone. I would like something I can view on my phone whenever I need too. Thank you!
Another option, if you have old cell phones -- just install the Alfred app. The phone will then be usable as a camera similar to Ring.
Another option to consider, if you think it would be of use - set up an Echo Show (from Amazon). It would let you "drop in" on your dad and you could communicate via audio/video.
Thanks for the suggestions!
I placed it so I could view him sitting on the couch, when he gets
up, goes to the kitchen table and towards the office.. I also have
one in the front yard to view who goes to the house and one in
the backyard. The one inside can be moved around as you wish.
You can view what he does on your cell phone.