I am nearing 87 years of age, living alone in a rural setting. I have most always kept myself busy maintaining my property and engaging myself in crafts, etc., but lately I find myself putting off chores that need to be performed, preferring instead to sit around the house and doing only those things that can't be put off, like cooking my meals, etc. I really have no health problems that would prohibit me from performing these necessary tasks, and this worries me. It's like I've become lazy... so unlike me. Could my recent laziness be my body talking to me? This is causing me some concern.
Are you not doing it because of pain?
Have you been to the doc lately? Might need to get a blood workup done to see if something is a little off. For example, if you're anemic you could be more tired than usual.
So, do you have any symptoms of depression?
It’s not always “feeling sad”.
Google “Symptoms of depression” and see if you find that you’re living with some of them.
If you find that you are, ask your health care professional for the next step to take.
GOOD LCK. I doubt that you’re body is ready to stop having fun.
I found I didn't have the same energy level I had a couple years prior. Then it dawned on me, I didn't have the energy level I had 10 years ago, or 20 years ago. My body was talking to me, it was saying "hey, we're tired". Just a fact of life.
Welcome to the club :)