What is wrong with dying? I am not so sure that extending life to the point of wringing every last drop of breath out of life is the right thing to do.
That is, Unless one has unlimited financial resources to buy professional care 24/7. We should not have to put a price on elder care but for most people, the child or children end up bearing the work.
Are we sure we want to continue extending life when life is a body and no memory? Or a good mind but nothing but pain for the body?
I read these stories about all the caregivers doing their best to care for their parents at the cost of their own lives & it is so sad. Been there, done that.
I guess this will not be an issue in the future with Obamacare. Apparently an ambulance will take elderly / frail people directly to the funeral home. Lol! Trying to joke there!!!
I am NOT talking about assisted suicide. I am saying if an older person has no realistic future of living life on their own, what is wrong with stopping life-extending medications?
I have arranged to donate my body to science. That takes care of everything. You have to do so ahead of time, you can't authorize someone to do that for you. Check with your State for the procedure.